DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

am i wrong for believing that this just
didn’t happen

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((it was replying to the post above but it didnt show up because discourse :triumph:


why make the scratches

(No I do not, this question is interesting

(its because you’re using // to comment things out)


come back once the liberals finally wake up

//ohh, no I do it cuz I’m used to doing it when I’m talking ooc in roleplays

i don’t know why the killer would do that, regardless if it’s derps or not

can we just attribute nonsensical decisions to lolderps or am I just being lazy

((I was going to talk like a python programmer but I forgot that “#” was not exactly good for commenting :joy_cat:

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“This part i can assure am not lieing didn’t have the materials to even cast the spell. Ontop of I have provided more then enough evidence at this point.”

pat pat just let us know if u have anything to add

((I’m aware of that, which is another reason why everything is ??? if Derps isn’t the culprit

huge text go brrr

#This is quality commenting material idk what youre talking about

edit: hosts dont yell at me kthx

// Is also the way to comment in C#


no I stole it then reverse pickpocketed it onto him in his dorm

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reverse pickpocket sounds more like a :flushed: joke

(Problem is i know its possible to do this tested it earlyier)

((at this point a lot of programming languages just blur together for me and I have to look up an api whenever I code because I forget how to write if statements