DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

“How much do you actually believe that was what happened though?”

So what do u beleive happened

We know cause of death is cut on the neck.
We know victim had other wound - heart cut out from the chest to perform a blood ritual.

There was also a lot of white dust and water around.
Which are still… unexplained part.

There is one thing none of you checked tho.
The body was cold. Nearlly freezing cold.

BELOW room tempreture and BELOW water tempreture.

@Apprentice can you explain to me which of rituals produce such an effect?

“…do we even know if the victim… struggled? the murder weapon is… very precise… probably happened while they were unconscious?”

They showered and marble powder

I can ask if the invisibility one I did did that

white dust was the marble

eh the shower is just a theory

“could this be due to… the robotic side of her?”

thats where the one weapon was found, how would that be a theory

Wouldn’t go below room tempreture, would it?


alyx thinks for a moment

“…probably not? i don’t… remember her feeling particularly cold while alive, anyway…”

if its a robot, keeping cool would be optimal wouldnt it?

if the invisibility ritual caused a change in temperature the people in the library might’ve noticed as well, I’m still asking

Like a water cooler in a pc

“but… unless the cooler was still active postmortem, it shouldn’t go below room temperature… right?”

ok invisibility ritual didn’t cause a temp change at all

That’s where BODY was found.

Including nanotechs, white dust (Which was ON the nanotech, not THE nanotech), water etc.

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It could be like still like reverting back to room temperature if function stopped in the cooling

Yeah like theres no way its a “theory” its like cold hard facts