yay now derps can lolcat
This isn’t a meme
I spoke to the camera and basically said that potatoes was the password
I only claimed to them because I knew that they were MM for sure
Arctic, you did nothing this trial.
Hey for my first time I did pretty good
Lights potion honestly fucked me over hard
that’s why it’s funny
Like that was just really unlucky
(I think it was mostly TL’s account but okay)
anyways can we vote app out and not me if I tell the story of my kill
yes I’m voting whoever you ask me to
I am already voting app, but carry on.
No, because App isn’t MM.
I’m unbelievably hurt eevee
shut up I am
So after I left janes I went to bank to get marble
Using my sword that’s why theirs a dent
well yes we realised the one that didn’t look like it was caused by a sword was the one in the senate which app got