DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

1 hour and 30 minutes remain before day begins anew.

Please be prepared.

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quick reminder

please don’t eat all the food for no reason because i need it and i don’t want to carry it around with me

(what if i need it to shove it in my mouth and taunt you)

at least it will stop you from putting other things in your mouth

(what does this mean)

i don’t really know to be honest

make sure you don’t put inedible objects in your mouth so you don’t choke, of course


(arctic i am going to legitimately kill you)

If y’all solve everything before I arrive ima get you


(Making sure I’m here so I can loot at least one room

You can loot [Derps]’ room :flushed:

where is derps’ body
can we just take his stuff

actually i don’t think he had anything anyway
those pens might be useful later though

“Dearie, don’t concern yourself with the dead. Concern yourself with those who live… for now.”

thank you
sometimes i do concern myself

alyx default dances in place

Let’s gooooooooooooooo!!!

(I’m here)