DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(Also it’s probably not relevant at all at this time but we can check if the murder weapon was from the gift shop by seeing if there’s a black box in it)

(It’s… not.)

(I figured but I did figure one (1) thing out so i wanted to mention it anyway)

(Oh hey Mistymind is in this game)

(I haven’t seen you at all in daily life misty lol)

i haven’t seen nightingale, amelia or eevee in daily life tbh

(I dunno what I’m doing wrong but I haven’t seen like… so many of you during daily life)

//did he really kill himself?

Unless the Blackened, yes.

(That’s why I say that DG is actually terrible misc)

(Misc which makes map BIGGER while number of players gets SMALLER is… gonna end up inactive due less and less interaction)

(And if you think about it, DGs usually indeed get semi-inactive close to ends)

(i have been super busy irl since the start of the chapter)

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Unless the Blackened can teleport, yes.

Idk how that happened.

if it isn’t datbird after hosts said we can vote a dead person then l m a o

we got baited

It’s not even voting for Dat.

It’s more about “you should have enough evidence” part, when none of the evidence points at literally anyone.

Sword was owned by Dat, so it points to noone.

Methode of kill doesn’t point to anyone.

Ultimate used doesn’t point to much.

It’s… confusing.
It’s really not enough evidence pointing at anyone.
So unless someone hold something off… I cannot see this as “you should have enoug evidence”

plus monoluna said that she would know who the killer was even without knowing our talents

Host helps us find the victim :^)

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which means that trying to figure out who used the ultimate based on talents is pointless --because no one did other than him

I don’t think anyone other than me would plan to go insta kill too.