DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]


but… :flushed:)

(i take it back fuck not you)

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(memes aside

the “random stripping” idea like… doesn’t work because i now know you’re going to do it and will thus never change my stats that might altar my physical appearance

come at me losers)

If you kill someone and get blood on your clothes you could present them as evidence :flushed:


although when I was picking fake stats for Mastermind bluffs I went with stuff that’d make sense for my talent

as it turns out, I didn’t quite expect a Botanist nor a Paparazzo to be that strong

(it’ll be kat)

((Okay back to the trial momentarily is it just a suicide then? Cause the more evidence we gather the more that points towards that )

for me it was just
bad everything except luck because joker

Despite this fact I still didn’t know entirely what I wanted for DR2

and thus I gave myself ~decent INT and Luck, and memetastically low strength

(the lazy/emotional side of me doesn’t really care what happens and thinks suicide is plausible enough? but then the other side is like ‘ok but i don’t want to be wrong and let someone just yeet datbird like that’

are we 100%(pretend this is big) confident in clearing every pairing?

arctic + jane + mistyx, marl + nightingale, amelia + apprentice


i don’t think any of them did the kill though! me rn)


(That video is so funny pls)

(What if day birds win con wasn’t to win this trial? Cause like he should have known someone saw him go into the corridor…)

(i sent it specifically to pocket people

mostly mist

real talk tho

looking at that list

min/trochi [redacted reasons] + socially both feel ~innocent~ (well, for trochis standards, he’s never really innocent)

eevee (alibi seems to match decently well? although there is a concern on him being wrong on the murder weapon? or we’re all super wrong and he’s just right? :joy_cat:)

light (:deciduous_tree:? idk it’s iffy but i still think it’s >rand to be real)

TL (i think someone said that the timings were unrealistic, socially probably clear, but is probably still my biggest suspect because of the games room thing… i can’t tell how much i want to consider the STR argument)

i don’t think i ever vote outside of eevee/light/TL(/dat) as of right now but literally none of those ~feel~ right :angry:)

not possible, since the item in the shop would be classed as magical

(also yes i suppose i could put myself on that list given i’ve considered selfvoting multiple times but also


(cmon now)


something that will help us solve this trial is to establish whether datbird was just meming about his sword being holy or if he meant it and was lying

because there was nothing special about his sword

(are you really gonna dispute this?)

(i mean it was certainly a weird sword

but you say there’s no magic involved?)

It feels like a meme

I’m like 99% sure the passage is from a meme

(someone quote me exactly what he said)