DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

you said ‘i still don’t think it’s derps but oh well’ and offered no alternative

(my biggest concerns with this kill is that there’s even more unanswered questions than with the wazza kill, less investigation, and i feel like the entire PoE is reasonably unlikely to have done the kill

so i have to consider stuff like “are there actually 3 wildcards?”, “do i really think a suicide wildcard exists?”, “but literally who else can it be?”

and i realize that most avenues point to datbird

but it’s not because of massive piles of evidence suggesting dat did it

it’s just piles of evidence suggesting nobody else did)

(i believe i partially exaggerated my disbelief in derps doing the kill at times to forcen people to widen their perspectives

don’t fully remember, would have to reread context to maybe tell you)

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this was what happened with derps too

we need to do a reality check here

we are very unlikely to have every question answered every trial especially when there’s only like 6 people doing any investigating and up to two of them can be blackened/MM

it’s more a case of doing the best with what we have and then taking it from there

(seriously tho can you tell me with a straight face that, if this was a suicide, dat put in any effort to hide it?)

(not really? with derps it became “someone literally thunderdoming them, that person being basically guaranteed to not have done the kill, and plenty of things pointing towards derps”

yes, basically anyone with no alibi ended up being cleared

but that was more because things pointed to derps than it not pointing to them)

Mostly benefits in a way that there won’t be secret person trying to make trials go astray, but yes.

the premise is similar in the sense that there is no evidence implicating anyone other than derps/datbird even though we have doubts about them being the killer

I will hold you this to post-game.

(admittedly i feel like there’s a decent chance i just find it hard to believe that a suicide wildcard exists

it’s not necesarily interesting and has basically been done twice already (marshal in dr1, min in dr3)

so i’m exploring options of “datbird suicided but is not a wildcard with explicitly a suicide wincon” and like… i’m coming up short)

the dart in the leg which did nothing
the whole fake speech thing about his sword going straight through someone and someone turning off the cameras to show their face to him
his journal saying that someone was trying to kill him

we’ve also overlooked this detail
why would datbird, a ‘normal participant’, have this in his journal

his diary said

The dark shadows grow and pull more and more. Something or someone here does not like my pressence. If it isn’t stopped they are going to consume me. A direct fight might be my final chance.

does this look like the logs of someone who wasn’t trying to commit suicide and get away with it

(okay, so like

dart in the leg? sure

the fake speech? does that… really hide it? he has a walkie talkie, if he was in danger and trying to get a message out, he has the tools to!

and the journal entry is… not good. it’s all written in the same handwriting, there’s no sense of urgency, there’s no identifying details, it’s just “haha someones trying to kill me”

this is all bad

is it intentionally bad?)

so why didn’t he

(im not saying he didnt suicide

my theory is “i genuinely think that he didn’t try to hide that”)

(if he has a suicide wincon he can do so much better

my votes on him because i highly doubt this goes anywhere and i’m probably overthinking shit

give me post-trial cred if im right tho?)

if you thought it so obviously looked like a suicide then why has this theory only arisen within the last 24 hours

(i don’t really want to answer that)
