DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

PoE: DatBird

we’re voting datbird
i wrote an in-character summary i’ll post later

is this serious or nah?

are we just accepting trial loss and not killing anyone?

cuz I def thought we had enough to solve this I just have been swamped irl weh

no we legit think dat suicided


oh ok

can someone give me the explain

cuz I think this is unlikely from what I know rn

Short answer: Trust me
Longer answer: Trust me, nerd

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I’ll leave that to others since I’m in class and just half looking at this because we’re not doing much lol

if you guys feel confident in that, I won’t fight it, I haven’t been able to be here to help solve

If I had to summarize it into a few points, I think it would be: nobody else has wounds, he had contact with another person but didn’t say anything about their murderer despite being alive for some time afterward (bled out due to wounds, not the fall), nobody was seen leaving the corridor, and his notebook and last screams seem very performative.

there’s nothing incriminating anyone else
his message about “it was your plan to turn off the cameras and show yourself to me” is false
because the cameras got turned off in the sun corridor with him in it
his journal and everything he said looks as though it was trying to convince us someone was trying to kill him
among other things

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Oh, and most of the PoE AtE’d


but did they lock self vote

this is a fair take

only other reasonable take imo is that the killer had an intangibility ultimate

which I think is somewhat reasonable

Doesn’t make sense to have that alongside the Gift Shop elixir

… does anyone know if the gift shop restocked?

yeah but he still stuck around for them to do the ultimate and didn’t leave or call out the killer

I don’t mean phasing through inanimate objects, I mean like can’t be touched by a sword or somethin

Oh, yeah, our idea was maybe the shadow people have been seeing?

well there could be another elixir I guess and the killer used ultimate to up kill chances or something as well

but weh