DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(Okay where you found it doesn’t matter I just wanna know who is about)

God, I really hate Apprentice trying to bait and see if the doubt seeds work.
Like… he doesn’t analyse this options, he just throws ideas which have someone else than Dat as a killer.

I might be biased, but I don’t see a tiny thing analysis in posts like this, just trying to see if redirection of atention works.
You know, something like fencesitting in FM.

(Anyway can we just locc our votes so I can go solve puzzles again?)

well we don’t know because the talents are redacted
all i know is that outside of the game my character was looking into it

I might be biased, but this aproach is literally worst thing to have.

You don’t just throw doubt around and then walk out without analysing them.
That’s not how participants should do it.

might as well just wait so people are actually here

1 hour and 10 minutes remain.

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Katze default dances

Monkeuma default dances

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this is me discussing any other possibility because I wasn’t able to be around for like the whole trial

I came to the conclusion that Dat is probably the best vote how is that not analyzing?

No, each possibility you threw had no follow up at all.

You sat down on the fence an threw possibilites at others WITHOUT analyzing them.

in-character summary of the case because i was bored, do not feel obliged to read this

He clears his throat in a futile attempt to get everyone’s attention

“Well, after taking into consideration everything I could find, I’m only left with one conclusion…

It’s obvious by the sound of his voice that he’s anything but confident about this case.

“Let’s start with the murder weapon. Matilda and Alison saw Arthur take an odd looking sword from the Blade Corridor not long after the conclusion of the previous trial. Funnily enough, his own sword was missing from his dorm and his person. Naturally, it would appear that the sword used to kill him was his own. Alicia suggested it may have been the one from the shop, however after using my ritual to determine the nature of the sword, I determined this cannot be true as it lacks magical character.”

“Now, as to how the murder went down. It would seem that after Arthur left Sonja in the Game Room and moved to the Sun Corridor, the cameras went out and a ‘fight’ played out in which Arthur was stabbed with Matilda’s dart which she claims to dropped to make room for other items. The blood on the floor is not enough to have been made by a sword wound – implying that the only blood drawn was due to the dart.” He frowns, briefly. “As to what the purpose of this dart was… the only reason I can think of would be to frame Matilda. The abrasions on Arthur’s hands would indicate he was wildly slashing his sword around, which would explain the scratch marks all over the room. However, it’s evident that he never actually harmed the attacker, since the only blood was due to the dart. This also makes sense with how everyone without an alibi appears to suffer no recent harm… or at least none due to this sword. After this ‘fight’, Arthur was stabbed through the chest with his own sword and then pushed off the ledge -this is why the exit wound was larger than the entry wound as the sword was disturbed upon the landing.”

“Sonja and I, as well as a few others heard Arthur shouting about it being the killer’s plan to turn off the cameras and show themselves to him. Yet according to my ritual, the ultimate ability that shut off the cameras was performed in none other than the Sun Corridor itself (assuming that’s what the sword through the eye means). If the killer was really performing this ability, Arthur would have had plenty of time to shout the killer’s name over his walkie talkie with Wilfred or even escape, but he instead stayed put.” He looks down at the ground for a second. “That’s because it was him who performed the ability. His plan was to trick us into thinking someone had been murdered when the real culprit was none other than himself! This is why he lied about his sword being magical and “going right through the killer”, and why this entire time he’s been making us think someone was trying to murder him -it even says so in his journal. He made the scratch marks all over the room to feign an attack, when in reality he was all by himself. This is why Alicia never saw anyone go up the stairs leading to the Chemistry Lab (unless they used the other tower’s stairs but lol). Think carefully about his statement “This was your plan to remove all the cameras and the show your face to me!” – this would imply that the killer turned off the cameras and then came to the Sun Corridor, but we know it was actually done in the Sun Corridor. Finally, the most damning piece of evidence against Arthur is that Sonja only saw him enter the Sun Corridor before the cameras went out. So unless the killer was already there or can teleport, he is the culprit.”

He presents the list of talents, pointing out Arthur’s name.

“Arthur Beltrand is listed as the Ultimate Prankster, not the Ultimate Priest… How fitting for someone who faked their own death and tried to convince us all that they were murdered! That’s right, he’s still alive… or maybe he would come back to life? His body was affected by some kind of magic, presumably none other than the ultimate ability he performed allowing him to survive and escape had we been wrong.”

He glances across at all the others in the hall, before focusing his gaze directly at the centre of the room.

“Isn’t that right, Arthur Beltrand, the ‘Ultimate Priest’ and TRICKSTER!”

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(idk how I explain this in the roleplay but the only reason an ability that prevents MM knowing who blackened is would exist is due to wincon related reasons since it literally never helps a murderer – and I’m assuming it wasn’t like a tradeoff to get buffs because monoluna said that the killer didn’t want the mastermind knowing – again suggesting it’s wincon related

oh also killer would probably wait for the next motive right? unless you kill yourself right and don’t need the extra help

anyway i know that this could probably be wrong and if it’s wrong it can be part of my character development

if it’s actually katze then fuck everyone)

:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: it literally can’t be me :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

The God dissolves in pity at her death;
He hates the bird that made her falshood known,
And hates himself for what himself had done;
The feather’d shaft, that sent her to the Fates,
And his own hand, that sent the shaft, he hates.
Fain would he heal the wound, and ease her pain,
And tries the compass of his art in vain.
Soon as he saw the lovely nymph expire,
The pile made ready, and the kindling fire.
With sighs and groans her obsequies he kept,
And, if a God could weep, the God had wept.
Her corps he kiss’d, and heav’nly incense brought,
And solemniz’d the death himself had wrought.



Okay, please stop.

Game is game and I might be suspecting you, but telling me to fuck off is behavior which is unacceptable.

let’s join hands and vote katze :pensive:
