DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Have you not read the thing yet?

monoluna said that the pearl was the only thing stopping them from rebuilding the ruined tower (it has some restricting/anti-magical effect on them)

so after the execution the tower got rebuilt

“w-what’s the worst that can happen from rebuilding a tower?”

“Well, that’s what we’re going to find out…”

“Well… A lot of people react very badly to the tower’s inhabitant…”

It can fall on top of you and kill you :flushed:

we get an npc? :eyes:


“Ah, well. I’m sure you’ll all see eventually. By the way, how does it feel to know that your efforts to solve this case lead inexorably to the balance of the Ultimate Hunt being maintained rather then broken, and you have unintentionally ensured that it will continue to its’… proper conclusion.”

“The- the Broken God?”

Oh no… the inhabitant of that tower is James whatever-the-fuck-his-name-was-again, the Ultimate Hidden 17th Student, who was rejected for being too repulsive.

(can someone copypaste the list again i’m on mobile can’t ctrl f)

“He… has been called that by some people. I personally think he’s no god, but he’s absolutely the cutest, most wonderful little pet a deity of inexorable death could have!”

is it…a cat?

Awww! Can I keep him?

“Think a little… bigger, dear.”

A lion?

a dragon

“A…bigger cat?”

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“two cats!”