DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I’m now very worried @Tangeld or @Nightingale won’t show up.

(Yeah I kinda want them both to post what they did if anything.
Did anyone see either preform and action in Daily Life?)

(tan mentioned going to the tomb at some point after me, iirc, since they knew which direction i went

not sure about night)

(That seems important to factor in as at the very least they might have seen trochi leave)

(More so leaves our suspects in


We have Apprentice’s route and claims
We have katze’s claims as well
I actually don’t have much from the remaining three on my notes.)

(only time i wasn’t with arctic was at the very beginning (arctic found me reading a book, though) and for a bit when arctic started reading, where i was at the forest with tan

so id say thats pretty Airtight™

also saw amelia for quite a bit while in the tomb but i dont know where they were before that)

(I saw them go right then right again but never saw them for over an hour so not clearing but unlikely what where they doing when you found them?)

(i found them in the beyblade room afk, iirc

they went the same path as us and i don’t know if they had time to go anywhere else

arctic felt stronger on that clear iirc?)

(If we assume they didn’t have time between then what’s your thoughts on the final three?)



(i don’t feel strongly in either direction for any of them, tbh

all 3 have been super uninvolved too so :upside_down_face:

gut says none of them did it? but

idk what their routing or even inventories look like!)

:deciduous_tree: :crying_cat_face:


This is Tang’s inventory.

I still don’t know what’s in the chest though since they still haven’t opened it!!

(sword used for wazzas murder? wazza died to a compass lol

unless u mean dats suicide?)

(wait no the rusty one


ignore katze)


(kat you’ve been typing for a while :eyes:)

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(Why is everyone typing)

(i think ive mostly talked myself out of the suicide theory a bit more on the merit that i think trochi would… rather not die? i know i watched him drink poison earlier but i’d have to believe trochi found cyanide → deliberately drank it to frame… light?

i don’t think suicide wildcard is likely anyway. would mean 4 wildcards or TL is lying, and also that ici/arete decided to add a suicide wildcard. all of these statements feel ~reasonably unlikely (the TL one is the… most plausible, but im science reading them as probably WC anyway so whatever. they can be wildcard.)

in terms of people i think find cyanide i’d… turn to eevee or jane

to which i say “well, if its eevee, he’s already won this trial anyway” and leave that stone unturned. i forgot what his PoE was but if he’s not the blackened then i’d probably look at sheeping it. p sure they were hardclearing TL and min and whatever, cool. sheep it. min deffo never did this anyway.

jane… could very possibly have done this, i guess. i remember them being particularly interested in the locked thing in the chemistry lab, and “literally fucking cyanide” seems like something that would reasonably be in there? @jane you drilled that open right, did you ever claim what was inside? plus they definitely displayed chemical competence earlier :joy_cat:

im hardclearing arctic from this kill. for like, 5 reasons.

apprentice is someone i’m naturally suspicious of in miscs and should probably read up on what the case is with them. gonna say now i never actually got into apprentices dorm because my method of entry broke trying to get in. sadge

marl… my social gutread says not him. that’s all i got and i think is about as much anyone has on him

night is about the same thing, with simultaneously more and less confidence because of how detailed their prior murder plan was, this seems boring for them but also “well, i just revealed a super elaborate scheme, heres a poison murder gl lol”

tan… i wanna say didnt do it but it’s a shit clear and im not taking them out of PoEs for it

i… think light is innocent just due to how he handled the entire case. purely social, really.

so this leaves me at Jane/Apprentice, Marl/Night/Tan

i’ll just post this so people can talk to me about jane/app because those are actually just people im generally concerned with)


(logic is telling me its jane but my brain is telling me im missing a reason for jane to be cleared)