DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

//I need to sleep now, gn or gm since it’s 446 am

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I also did stuff :pouting_cat:


but also less than him, but sure you can be honorary #2

something something “the blackened is probably more likely to actually do things in order to appear useful or as a result of TMI” - katze, 2021

also sleepze bye)

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(actually one more thing

@Aelin can you describe as much as you can regarding trochi this chapter? pathing, actions, etc. basically anything and everything you have, times preferable)

i knew this would get brought up lol

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that’s why i showed katze i still had it as a safety precaution

i had to go and get it from my dorm though

yeah i don’t like how vague light has been about the tomb pathings with trochi considering they kind of went together

yeah i thought i remembered searching someone and seeing liquid

I know that he got to the Tower of the Broken God before me, and went down into the tomb before me, but stayed in the entryway longer than I did. Geyde said he came into the library within 30 minutes of me. He almost instantly went and grabbed the spear from exhibit one and traded it for his discus, which I didn’t want to do for any of them because I didn’t want to get blown to pieces by an eldritch horror. Then, he told me that he had a strange liquid, I facepalmed, he drank it (to be petty? Idk) I facepalmed again, and then Arete’s like “he stumbles” and I’m just like “oh shit” and try to do CPR after he collapses on the ground, it doesn’t work, and I check for a heartbeat, find none, and then he’s announced dead.

We… didn’t? I went alone right after App went down the middle passage.

Don’t open this

… why does this post annoy me so much? I don’t understand. It’s not even that ridiculous, just dumb and wrong, but it’s making me kinda angry at this point that you think I’m intentionally being vague and seemingly have essentially ignored what I’ve been saying thusfar.

but you both went left
was the library the first place you ended up in?

How do we know Trochi even got this potion this chapter
did anyone search him the previous chapter?

we’re kind of going under the assumption that they would have drank it as soon as they got it

because that’s what he did every time

How certain are you of this? If they did my full inventory clears me :hamster:

((I’ll try to get into a better mood during chapter 4
((I just need space from this game right now
((if I get replaced, then whatever


this chapter kinda killed my wim fwiw

not very? it’s relying on trochi being predictable which is a problem in itself

at least we can all agree if it wasn’t assisted suicide/suicide then we can all blame trochi for his own death

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