DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

You see what I’ve been saying, now?

afaik luck probably also makes you do better in chance based actions


its still chance

My die roll sucked though :frowning:

and I got a 20 despite having 5 luck

(They always have been a suspect for myself.)

wdym 5 luck
doesnt mm have 100 in all stats?

it’s my bluff smh

I think it’s time for me to beat minecraft
see ya nerds

lol i was literally killing the ender dragon with my friends just before the trial end
but i had literally no gear so i just used beds

then i was the second person to get an elytra which is funny bc everyone else has full enchanted netherite and i just have iron stuff :joy_cat:

I can never find diamonds, it’s annoying

minecraft boring tbh tbh

Hanako pulls out a pen. She is still standing up, although unsteadily.

just find the end cities 4head
i ended up finding full diamond gear with some decent enchantments

(nobody invites me to play minecraft :pensive:

granted id prob only play modded nowadays

or watch cute noobs play)

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Execution of Matilda Martell (Trochilidae), the Ultimate Witch


Areténa kneels before Matilda’s corpse and begins to speak. Unclean Spirit! I command you: Tell me, with some sign, your name, the day and the hour of your damnation.

Matilda’s body seems to tremble slightly, though it’s hard to say whether the motion is real or just a figment of your collective imaginations. Areténa, Monoluna, and Monkeuma each place a hand on Matilda’s chest, and their other hand on her forehead. Areténa continues to chant, closing their eyes. Be uprooted and expelled from this Creature. Source of death! Robber of life! Twister of justice! Root of evil!

Matilda’s body shudders, unmistakably this time, but doesn’t seem to change. Areténa – Lachesis? – takes a bottle from a pocket of their cloak and begins to sprinkle it on Matilda’s body. Every drop seems to burn their skin as it touches it, and it gradually becomes clear that what’s inside the bottle is not holy water but some sort of acid. Matilda’s body convulses one final time, just as in the moment of their death, and then falls still.

information on exorcisms largely sourced from Roman Ritual of Exorcism – PirateDocuments.com, including quotes


You may now whisper, and you may take trivial actions.

(trochi got exorcised

how fitting)

“Have you heard the term contrapasso, child?”