DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Min claimed 12 int, no?

That’s why that’s interesting.

min is the exception
everyone else i think has high intelligence

eevee and marl have low intelligence, don’t know about amelia or TL

I have low LUCK.

You messed up my stats.

My INT started at 50, it’s at 53 now.

you said you had higher physical stats so i kinda just assumed

I will want Arctic to claim first if it’s on equal votes actually.

I still hte how much pessimis you brought to investigation, trial and… to current analysis.

what do you want me to claim
i have the highest intelligence in the game

Yeah, and you will be forced to claim it depending on who App voted, you know it, right?

So stop being pessimist and let’s see how it works out.

((im redrawing the third sheet because 1. tangeld 2. I wasn’t satisfied with arctic drawing 3. it makes me stop feeling horrible


(real talk are you ok)

((when Im rp’ing my character emotions often bleed over into my irl emotions
((which happens to be not great when I’m playing an already sort of depressed character in a game where your friends die


(thats slightly relatable actually, its part of why i dont do it often and strongly regret my choice of character

but in any case

click this or something



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(I get you there am sorry it’s effecting you alot IRL :hugs: )

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//I wanna rp without the stress of being bad at the game

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(Still looking for diamonds and I have over four stacks of iron ore. pain)

over five stacks, just recounted whoops

((others because I missed them during deadly life
((there aren’t any changes, but


(if you don’t endgame i still expect your art to update :triumph:)