DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

“Oh… by the way, if you get this trial correct, I’ll give Harleck an eyepatch. If you do not… well, I hope you like looking at the bloodied, charred remains of his right eye!”

Monoluna giggles.

unfortunately there is not an option on picrew for a bloody charred eye so regardless of the outcome this will have to suffice

Shit I was asleep I’m sorry

“Ha… No, this isn’t as funny as when I did it last time. Do you all have any idea how hard it is to get entertainment from you people after you’ve done all this so many god damn times before?”

“This exact murder has happened quite a few times before. It pops up every hundred loops or so… still, I suppose I have a responsibility (read: I’m an artifact, I don’t exactly have true free will) to host this.”

Monoluna seems different. She looks more sultry.


“Well, I’m glad you got some… enjoyment from this. The Professor told me how you had become quite bored of this game.”

“Why do you think I came up with all that fancy language about the ““Ultimate Hunt””? I’ve been trying different themes for some kind of variation. Let me tell you… it’s just barely working.”

“This is one of the better themes, actually. It’s probably better than when we themed the game around the Eurovision Song contest… I have no god damn clue why Atropos suggested that.”

(Just getting back home should be back maybe in 30 mins depends on traffic)

“Might I ask, what was the theme of test number five?”

“Oh, sure. That was the Great Judgement of Arcana. We went really hard into the academic theme there.”

“That was before we came up with the idea of hiding the fact we were the Three Fates… although we’ve never really been able to keep it hidden for long.”

She stops.

“Anyway, don’t you all have a murder to solve?”

“Well, you’ve been doing this for a while. Repeating tasks will either help you get better with practice, or worse with fatigue. Guess it was the latter for you, huh.”

“Yep… just another day at the office.”

katze default dances.


This whole funny loopy thing puts him at a crisis, honestly.

“HOLY SHIT. CONGRATULATIONS. @katze This is the 666,666,666th time you’ve default danced! Congratulations! This is a monumental event!”


excited noises

“i will celebrate this occasion by…”

“What’s really impressive is … there is no timeline in which it’s ever been funny!”


“Yeah, that’s true. But still! We have to celebrate the little things!”