DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

whereas in the past katze has been pushing us to consider other worlds/conclusions in a more subtle way, TL’s treatment seems very placatory

(cause i was operating under the killer being in the room and i still don’t fully understand what Tan’s theroy was linked to)
(Also read the post yeah I was operating like i always do with my assumptions for once i got it wrong cause of my theroy that the killer had to have been out at night to do this)

(god wolf nyastermind katze at your service)

(also i just caught up, have nothing to add, and am in a Not-Very-Memey mood (yes im okay) so ill probably just disappear for a few hours while you box in obvwolf [blackened] glgl)

(Honestly thought people already picked up on this)

alright TL

you’re going to get voted

if you admit to it rn, I’ll vote someone else cuz I am so supremely confident in my sleuthing skills

(I would admit if i could have would have actually wispered you I was MM and knew you did it cause that would be funny.)

“I already mentioned this in the observatory, but I’ll say it again. After I pointed out the vials of ink from the case I found in the experiment room were all full, Monoluna reminded us that the items had been restocked after Chapter 3, heavily implying that the killer found this case of inks in a previous chapter. All the killer had to do was go to the observatory while no one was looking, place the ink on the suit and then dispose of it somewhere. There’s no reason the killer would have been present at the time of death, and there’s no reason the killer would have had to do it at night.”

(wait when did we find this out? I should back read investigation chat but i am pretty sure this was after i went to sleep then work)

“For some reason, all the people that had checked the hospital never searched the experiment room.”

(also yes, you really should read the PM and you’ll understand why you’re boxed in)

might i ask
who actually was this

(Funny i can’t be cause i physically couldn’t murder like this)

don’t you think it might be time to claim your wincon then

i dont think tl was the one who did this

who else did the paint not react to?

everyone that interacted with the ink displayed a reaction, the issue is min, nightingale, TL and eevee didn’t look at it themselves

so the question is do you think any of those people are more likely to have done it than TL?

(Sure i have two options

Listen and follow all visons you recieve.
Kill a player without anything magical. (Like a sword/gun/kinfe the such)

Worst vison was chapter 1 by far.)

i’m sus of eevee and min the most tbh

because tl was inactive for 10+ hours on the roof doing nothing