DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I’m trying to figure out who the blackened is out of you and TL by looking for changes in behavior from past class trials compared to this one.
All I know is that it’s you or TL. I’m trying to figure who it is.

Then again does anyone really think someone is treeing because of irl issues would be able to pull off a murder like this? I’m waiting for your answers.

Oh yeah Arctic you said it was TL vs the trees. Which makes me think you suspect TL the most out of the PoE right?

of course i do

even without trees, i would suspect him the most because i’ve seen him way less than min who’s mostly been afk and trying to stick with others and the same applies to night for the most part

TL has seemingly been pushing agenda/the wrong conclusions in the deadly life PM (if you read my ISO of him, you’ll see what i mean)

there’s also the issue of him being incredibly solvey/checking everything in previous chapters but not checking the armor, the one thing that would out the killer - or for that matter doing any actual solving this chapter

as well as the thing with the body and how he didn’t realise there were multiple colors of ink, and at first didn’t experience the pain we all got from looking at the ink

Wow this looks bad for TL.
I’m sold on where my vote goes then.

the main thing that does it for me is how he didn’t investigate anything, especially the armor

like the man’s literally wrote his notes on a book and investigated everything in chapters 1 and 2

admittedly he didn’t do much in chapter 3 but that was because it was a poison kill

So min treeing kinda makes me think they aren’t the killer here.
Therefore my exact PoE is TL.
That’s all folks!

min has been tree’ing just as much as you, if not more

i thought you were aware of this

then again the killer wouldn’t have needed much time or effort to orchestrate this

(time to do what i do best and be aggressively wrong for the first half of the trial just so i can be correct later: TL is not the blackened


thank you katze
but you get no post-trial cred unless you stick with it

(this is like a 53% serious viberead

and a 47% “lol im just doing it out of irony”)

(do i really need post trial cred tho)

do you really think it was the trees

(not necessarily

although i think mins defense has been bad

not in a super wolfy way though i just don’t think it’s good

my strongest viberead is that it’s still marl, somehow

but i have literally no reason to think this

and in fact i probably have more reasons to not think it than i do to think it

but i do think it)


i would’ve thought by now you would have learnt we need to shoot our shot from the evidence we actually have but you’re still going out of the poe

the ink testing must have been a real way of finding the killer, otherwise the limitation of if not working on forced people has no reason to exist

(for the record i actually think it’s very unlikely min did this kill

ill probably try to consolidate thoughts later but i’m still not 100% sure we found the correct piece of the puzzle

but it’s still the only real piece we’ve found

so i don’t think it’s very likely we don’t use it)

to be fair it has been bad
and in a wolfy way
but i always read min as wolfy

the only reason it’s not TL is because tanstermind is pushing it