DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Cause game integrity breach.


(im not going to ask because i don’t want to know)

(i mean even if TL said who they ‘cop checked’ not MM i’d probably doubt it, partially because i don’t believe it’s even real

but there’s no real reason to tell the truth in his position unfortunately, see Amelia in YTTD :joy_cat:

this is me, the MM, refusing to let him close the PoE, obviously :flushed:)

Blame Marl for messing up, but like… Im pretty sure they are not MM now.

Thats why I dont think neither me nor them murdering anyone is +ev in general.
But like… They would certainly go for it despite having clear as MM if they feel they can win this way, duh.

(oh i mean

there’s like, several pieces of lore that strongly suggest/probably just confirm marl isn’t MM

so i don’t care about your questionable means)

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(Well i have gotten a PoE of 4 possible MM’s due to my Ult but yeah I can say atleast one of the four is dead)

(its okay ill box the MM in


we’ll find out :flushed:)

i already said it in thread earlier

(but i voted correctly so maybe i did have TMI :flushed: )

Its not questionable, as it was allowed to be used.

As in host had no way to make me unknow it, so I can just as well just share it.

Do we have any reason to drag this trial out any longer?
I mean we’ve found our culprit, lets gets this done with.

My reason is that Im going on buisness meeting soon today, so I want it to stretch longer, yes

(im not locking vote because my birthday is in two days/tomorrow and i’d rather that coincide with the intermission/trial than the game

mostly because there’s a very low chance i remain sober)

I’m in no hurry either. Though I guess if real life reasons drag out the trial then
:man_shrugging: .

I’m waiting for the confession that we’ve all been promised.

Oh god, I understood.

Katze is default dancing till we die out of boredom.
Thats theirs murder plan.

Dont fall for it.

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“So why I killed, isn’t it obvious?
At least i was hopeing it was at this point but if you all don’t get it by now i guess none of you will.”
Steph looks down for a second and gives out a laugh before looking up at everyone else

“This isn’t the first murder not even counting the simulation which of a matter of fact I should ask one of those people in charge about that can come later.”

Steph looks over to Alyx.

“Quite obviously I lied to you earlier. I would say I was sorry but that means nothing here.
Am the Ultimate Highstreetwoman to put in terms you would understand but no that’s not quite right… Better yet nothing here matters right no items you might find no memories after all this is an infinite simulation as we were told. I’ve felt uncomfortable here this whole time listening to people as they go trying to help those that wished after all I did spend most nights watching over all of you whether you noticed it or not.”

Looking down at her book

“See I was never gonna make it this far after all only someone innocent should live this game no? Look at the people gathered here, do you see a problem? Cause I sure as hell saw one a Witch. Toxicologist, Monarch, Historian, Nanotechnologist and now Magician.
I don’t fit in you see, am the odd one out here at least I know the others that deserve it outside get to live after all they are the reason I am alive today.”

Steph starts to look up seemingly thinking

“I kinda threw out more questions than answers there didn’t I. Well maybe this would have gone better without my wrist injury oh well i doubt that would have stopped the actual plan too much anyway after all a blinded enemy is an easy prey.”

Looking back around to everyone, any questions you all have for me I see no reason not to answer.

(Also the moderror was i only used 1 vial on the visor to block vision on the Mech in order to
disable it and well have an even easier victim to use for the rest of my plan.)


(you know, the hosts never said i stopped dancing :^) )

good morning assistant detectives

what was your actual wincon
are you even a wildcard