(how can you confirm this)
(Then don’t believe it)
Then believe what I say - MM was alive at the start of this chapter.
And I dont think Amelia was MM, so they are most likely still alive.
(eevee is this a mechanical or social read
cause like
i think you’re right but if you’re 100% confident i’d like to know why)
Magic ™
Don’t tell me you expected any other answer, lmao.
My character is most broken mash of weird abilities and shit which if I didnt know others also have multiple abilities, I would think Im MM myself.
MM could still have claimed to have voted jane even if they voted trochi
although it would be risky to do so before other votes got claimed
ill keep in mind
since it’s probably true regardless of what you two say, i suppose
am curious to hear more later but no need to talk about it now)
Arctic knows my ultimate.
Its most weird suport utility thing around.
Rest of my abilities are very simlar.
Like killing me at night has penalties instead of bonuses.
Killing me outdoors has even more penalties.
I got more data on autopsy report.
I got bonuses to crafting and identifying items.
I got more private inventory slots, which are unsearchable even during deadly phase.
etc. etc.
Weird patchwork of stuff
(my abilities are incredibly weird )
(i have a feeling TL knows at least one of them
although there is one big secret i’ve hid all game )
oh yeah i forgot about that
(My abilities are almost like DR3 in which they do almost nothing expect the ULT is good and I have infinite AP)
(Am not gonna sell it out I know alot more about alot of things.)
What if you
Had an unsearchable inventory slot
But Monkeuma said
“Hey, everyone wanna see Tan’s sack?”
do you know about my OP ability tho
also @tan)
Oh thank goodness nobody knows I’m MM
wait this isn’t my classcard
I mean, my private inventory slots are all filled rn.
And you have no idea with what.
(/convert Light
wait wrong classcard)