this hugging thing would have been much more interesting if they planted a murder weapon on someone
(i mean, i think almost every hug we exchanged was initiated by me
speaking of hugs, who wants one )
I see.
That’s interesting.
weird how he used that to check your inventory if he didn’t know it was happening
no thanks
coulda been a lie
doesnt really matter anyway, i guess)
i wouldn’t be surprised if everything the man was saying was a lie
especially after he was outted
(i believe some of it because it matches vibes i got earlier
“checking inventories upon being hugged” isnt a vibe i got but also am not too sure how i’d ever get that vibe unless they TMIed my inventory or something tho lol)
i don’t see how they could have done that if they never initiated any hugs or knew they were coming
we already know he was lying about several things such as when he claimed to know (part of) the class roster in chapter 2
and when he claimed to have copped people this chapter
i could theorize things
i can say with moderate confidence that they didn’t know my ultimate because lying to the ultimate gamer that you found lore about someone who wasn’t the ultimate gamer in the games room is… not something you do if you know you’re talking to the gamer
whether or not they had mechanical reasons to clear people is… up in the air, but leaning towarsd it being unlikely
although they’ve hinted towards it before, actually – before this chapter
nonetheless, i post joycat
no it’s not just unlikely, it doesn’t exist
the implication that ‘clearing people’ holds any significance would require a different result if you were to check the mastermind - which just doesn’t happen
(eh, it’s possible
but for me to believe it blindly then i’d have to believe that TLs class is just… objectively multiple times stronger than mine
but i won’t talk about why i think that’s unlikely)
you believe it’s possible for the MM to be redchecked?
(i believe it’s possible for non-MMs to get greenchecked)
depends what you mean by this
it’s possible if he doesn’t choose his targets, but that’s not what he was claiming
once you introduce the option of choice, what happens if you choose the mastermind? they’re greenchecked right? so the entire thing is meaningless
and even if it were, why the fuck would this exist in the first place
maybe TL had a “check” on other people in his “crew” or something
who knows
me because i’m the mastermind and he told me he greenchecked me XDdd
(i cc)
Going back to what I said about the MM probably leaving hints in Ch3, if we can clear Alex Bracknell as the MM then the MM is still alive and I think we can try to find out the MM from the Ch3 class trial.
I should mention that you guys were 2/2 before Ch3. So the MM would probably be feeling a little stressed things aren’t going their way. I would have expected them to be desperate for a mistrial and probably would have pushed Trochi suicide theory as hard as they can.
Wazza was Alex Bracknell for future reference.