DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]



The fierce rumbling of the super laser piss grows even louder.*


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A thunderous wave of energy that is really just a laser and not at all piss hits the Town Square.

It ripples out.

Destroying identity.

Destryoying truth.

Destroying lies.

And reducing the Knot to a place of pure blood.

All pieces of information pertaining only to lore will be redacted until Chapter 6.

Murder now costs only 20% of your max AP.

Visibility is serverely reduced.

It is permanently night.

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“Cute. They thought that was going to destroy the Knot and set you all free. What a… pity.”


“Oh, by the way… one final thing…”

Bloodlust rises within you all. You want to murder, a powerful impulse within you makes you just compulsively want to kill…

You hear radio static as a transmission, seemingly from nowhere, appears:

God damn it, Timoleon. You just... don't know when to fucking quit. You had to go and ignore all the fucking ethical guidelines again, huh?

It cuts off.

“Attention all participants of the Ultimate Hunt! A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the Left Chamber of In Posterum in The Tomb to begin the investigation.”

Daily Life ends. Deadly life begins.

it’s the right chamber

“Hmm? Oh. Is that how it is? Well, go there, I suppose.”

tree is getting dinner, action processing is paused until I get back

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tree back

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Good day, everyone. Please @ me for any unprocessed actions you may have.

I’m going to take a brief break to do my history work. Please do not yell at me to process actions; I or another host will arrive very shortly.

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extension until host gets back

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tree host is awake, bump things if you want them processed

deadly life extended by 1 hour to compensate for the hour of treeing


“Good evening, class. The Class Trial is about to begin. Amongst the participants of the Ultimate Hunt is the Blackened. Those of you who are innocent, the Spotless have 48 hours to debate the identity of this Blackened.”

“Remember… failure will get an innocent person killed, and will allow the killer of your dear friend, the Ultimate Conductor, to go free. And of course, your lives are all on the line as well.”

“Life and death.”
“Truth and lies.”
“Light and darkness.”
Hunters and Quarry
“It’s finally time for the hunter and the hunted to face off. Welcome, everyone, to the final Class Trial of the Ultimate Hunt.”

Class Trial 5: No More Encores begins.

48 hours remain. You may now post in the main thread for the duration of the trial.

Monoluna File #5:

Name: Alison Henderson
Talent: Ultimate Conductor
Cause of Death: Decapitation
Time of Death: [Redacted]
Involvement of Magic: [Redacted]
Notes: Victim’s body is covered with jagged, rough cuts. The cut across their neckstump is simmilarly jagged. A beyblade is shallowly embedded into their forehead.

(threads moving so fast nobody will realize that we have no fucking leads)

does anybody exist