DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

there have been a large amount of spelling errors both in the OP and in the game

Oh, by the way, I lied about my Ultimate.

Big surprise, right?

huh i just noticed this
i guess this is min’s secret passage to the observatory

oh also i forgot to mention there was a secret passage in the inverted castle entrance hall leading to katze’s dorm

i didn’t even know you claimed your ultimate lmao

My actual ult causes a solar eclipse for 24 hours, at which point, all of my rolls are made with my luck stat, with started at 100 and increased to 105 thanks to the circlet I’m wearing.

it actually led to the sun corridor which is pretty useless

@eevee please elaborate more, you could actually progress the trial

Y’know, now that I think about it, it’s really weird I didn’t bring the sword to this trial if I thought it was the murder weapon, especially because I stated it came with a note that had lore that was obfuscated until chapter six on it that was hidden in the locker in the Senate Records Office. I should really check that out after this.

I’m so forgetful lol

i’m probably confbiased but this seems really fake

especially this

oh my god



i could skip using words and say that i think the blackened is basically always in light/apprentice

so ill just quickfire them

arctic technically could have done it and their “im clear by apprentice” shtick is kinda wolfy but they also didnt do it

apprentice could have done it and people are clearing them for discovering the body? maybe im reading too hard into inactivity but still think theres nothing clearing about finding the body

min cant walk and there’d probably be wheelchair marks literally anywhere

crichard technically could have done it but im just gonna say that they’re socially never the blackened and leave it at that

eevee… tbh if im somehow wrong on both light/apprentice i’d look here but its not happening and hes probably inno anyway who cares

tan V for Vbucks

light would probably be lockwolf socially if they werent being awkward this entire game but they have been awkward this entire game – i think they’re particularly wolfy this trial regardless of that, though. also think that, if the weapon isn’t a particularly awkwardly shaped one, the killer had low STR – which would fit light ~rather well?

katze did it

I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, stop being so conf-biased.

are you lolcatting

I mean, I ended up using my ult so I was technically at 105 STR.

Light admit to the kill and I’ll yeet anyone of your choosing out the airlock

But that was because I was very worried I was going to be killed.


i feel like if you did a solar eclipse people would have noticed

and also when i looked at you your strength was quite a bit lower than apprentices

Even if I was the Blackened, which, of course, I am not, I wouldn’t be allowed to admit to the kill as that would be gamethrowing.