nod nod
“Let’s work together to find a way out of here safely.”
“Ah! While you’re all in shock and unable to move, let me just provide you with some backing music!”
“Feel calmer, everyone? Never let it be said that I don’t care for the mental needs of my students, tehehe.”
”I may actually be of some help for once…considering I know a bit of magic already.”
"You cannot.
Person responsible for teleporting mist is.
Which would be headmaster or one if tge teachers.
Besides, why would there be a gun at the university to begin with?"
“Cause someone might have brought it with them obviously. Don’t know how useful it would be against magic though.”
“Why would anyone bring a gun here?”
(we’re in the UK right?)
”What- what reason would there even be to bring a gun to university?”
(I’m like 99% sure we’re in the uK)
“I can’t gaurentee there aren’t guns, children. If you want to survive the Ultimate Hunt, you might have to do a teensy bit more than just hope that everyone decides to be polite and not kill you.”
(i mean look at my name for christ’s sake)
“Thats like ignoring the argument. You said what would be safer test enviroment. I provided you one. If you cant accept that, I cant help ya.”
(look at literally all of the names)
“Oh! Right, we are currently within the United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Atlantic Wastes. I hope that helps!”
”O- okay everyone. I’m going to make a promise now If anyone wants to kill somebody else they have to get through me first!
Matilda stands tall, hoping to pull off an air of bravado.
(It’s a killing game people, of course it’s in the UK.)
“Self defense obviously but it’s fine if someone lets say got shot you could just help them out.”
“So…we just have to kill someone…right?”
That would be too easy, unfortunately for the less creative folk. You have to get away with it too