DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

id say they were probably all memes/intentional

but i also have lapses of… stupid

quite often

so its realistically prob like 60/40

You act like you weren’t treating it as me “slipping”, though.

So, since we’re apparently just sitting around bored until the trial ends… Might I offer a fun diversion?
Ask Sophie Anything!
For the folks who haven’t been paying even the slightest bit of attention, I have in my possession an elixir that renders me completely unable to lie. Thing is, the Mastermind can resist the effect of this potion and lie anyway, so it’s kinda useless moving into the final chapter, since the only person who would have any reason to lie anymore is the one on whom the elixir doesn’t work.
So I say to hell with it, I’m just gonna drink it now and you folks can pick my brain on anything you’d like. Or rather… I’m not going to drink it now. See, its effects only last for an hour, and that’s a narrow enough window that I’m sure to disappoint someone who didn’t get the chance to ask their question. I’m gonna give it twelve hours, in which you folks can ask whatever you’d like, and at the end of that, I’ll down the elixir (fun fact, it also makes me glow, so you can know that I really drank it) and answer your questions. Sound like fun? Okay then, twelve hours on the clock.

Fair Warning

This potion does not make me know the answers to whatever question you ask, it forces me to only make true statements. So if I respond to your question with something like “I don’t know”, that means I don’t know. If I say something like “I’d rather not answer that”… well, I can’t imagine what question would leave me so afraid of answering that I would say something like that, so we can maybe ignore that part. But I’m sure you’re smart enough to know what it would mean if I did say something like that.

What enforces this potion?

im surprised you’re not forcing me to drink it

at first yeah
then while min and eevee were fighting it became clear

As tempted as I am to lock my vote right now, I’d rather not be the one who quick hammers to end a trial.
Which is bad as less time to PoE the MM = less chance to catch them in the last trial.

im p sure eevee knew all along

just… knowing him

i thought you probably brought us to marl’s dorm to give us a chance of solving the trial legitimately but i did think you would still kind of try

he’ll say he did even though he probably didn’t

You know, I’m not entirely sure. What I do know is that the label says “anyone who hears these statements will intrinsically understand them to be true”.

regardless of whether or not he knew all along – he definitely knew before he said “im done defending light”

this is just how eevee is lol

I did it as a way, I thought, to blatantly demonstrate my TMI

i think i said this immediately after you took us there but i also think i partially talked myself out the read


im lockvoting myself

Oh, also, if you have any questions about what happened, feel free to ask them. I’ve been trying to sleep since midnight and it hasn’t worked so I’m just here™

why is the time of death redacted
is this just part of the motive

Uncertain. If you give me a moment, I can find the exact time of death.

honestly im just confused why you did a kill specifically to advance gamestate with no intentions of actually getting away with it

but shrug

realistically it was pretty clear that nobody actually wanted to kill so like, i don’t blame you for doing it

but having no intent on winning is shrug

why are the wounds so weird is my only actual question i guess

because he was tree’ing

i even said marl would be the perfect person for this

if he really wanted to win he would have killed someone else