DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

do i think apprentice can be mm :flushed:

I really hope this is it

he very likely isn’t
which means you probably do

i appreciate the praise

the only person praising you is the mastermind, waiting in anticipation for your 6th and final willage

We know.

That’s why all the trials in this game were… avarge due to blackends admitting to it.

every time the blackened has confessed, the outcome would have been the same even if they didn’t
which is kinda why they confessed

… you are messing up order.

All 3 of them confessed before a trial to begin with.

i don’t think TL did though?

They did insantly, as they lost game due to killing with magic.

wait what
so even if we didn’t vote him, he still wouldn’t have won? lmao

i imagine if that was actually his wincon… he physically wouldn’t have been able to kill someone with magic

TL didnt explicitly fail their wildcard wincon, or we would have been told

PKR dying of a heart attack was probably explicitly so he didn’t fail it

i mean, there doesn’t seem to be any way of dying explicitly due to magic, it seems more like magic causes normal ways of dying

Still would have lost*


shrug, maybe

given we were told when dat failed their wincon i’d imagine we’d know if TL failed theirs

unless TL was a participant


does anybody else want to claim wildcard

do i want to? yes

have i already admitted i wasn’t? also yes, unfortunately

you also spewed yourself participant 10x over at a very early point in the game

I claim wildcard.

elaborate tbh

because “my wincon isn’t the normal participant wincon” is something i still stand by, lol