DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

“i’m pretty sure i’ve killed more brain cells than anyone else has… surely that counts for something

“Hmm? Oh, this isn’t in play yet. This is for after you fucks inevitably fail to find the Mastermind again. We’re doing a Fortnite theme next time. I’m sure that’ll make you ecstatic.”

“…do you tell us this every loop, and that’s why we keep failing?”

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now katze will throw the MM trial even more
what have you done

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Sophie glances at the ring on her finger
…Do we get bonus credit for multi-kills?

(i think what ici is saying is that she’s hosting another danganronpa after, with fortnite theming :^) )

“God, no. I want you to find the Mastermind so we can finally move on to being attatched to a new universe. Quite frankly, we’re sick of being stuck as being archons of this parasitic magical lode attatched to your diseased wreck of a world…”

“You know, we’re the laughing stocks of the multiversal extradimensional being community?”

I don’t know why you’re blaming us for that when Monkeuma literally exists.

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monkeuma noticed that

“Atropos used to be dignified! Then he…” Monoluna leers irritably. “Went native.”

alyx thinks about their times as a monkey “honestly? i get it.”

going native in this context could mean the way in which researchers become too involved in their experiment and lose objectivity
just like zimbardo

Areténa glances at Alicia.

“Now before you ask, because you in particular ask this most loops where you live this far, we can’t just solve this problem by telling you the answer. You see, if we try-- well, let me just show you.”

“The Mastermind of this game is Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ.”

alyx smirks “…what do i usually do, Aretena?”

“I’m not sure if I can answer that.”

how are you not sure
you should know everything about this game since you enforce its rules!

“Yeah. Forbidden Knowledge. The Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ s… damn it… set it up so there are some things we just can’t tell you until certain conditions are met. For example, the Blackened is Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ. See?”

“…that bad, huh?”

“There are many things I know but can’t say.”

there are many things i say but don’t know