DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Monoluna smirks.

“As above, so below. My oh my. What I was going to do to him is a mercy compared to what the stars will do to him. Well. He’ll be back soon enough~!”

only 48 hours smh

“Just think how much shorter it would have been if you hadn’t figured it out!”

Light broke a contract, and has been returned to the void. He is dead. Dead to the real world anyway.

(So not executing N would basically have made this a 7P Boomdandy game, brilliant.)

As you begin to mill about, Areténa stops you.

“Since you’ve all managed to make it this far, we’ve prepared a surprise for you,” they say. “We’ve given all of you … information about your past, before you even came to Feybrook University. I can’t say whether it’ll help you catch the Mastermind, but you might find it interesting.”

“To access this information, all you need to do is to open the sealed box that I’ve placed in your tube. The way you do that is simple: just hold the box and explain privately why you are worthy of calling yourself part of the Ultimate Hunt.”

[i.e., in your classcard]

katze does the default dance

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A scrap of the details of the cotnract have been revealed, in a section incomprehensibly known as the “Global Forum Rules”:

  1. Do not gamethrow or sabotage games. You are expected to play towards the win-condition that you have, not the win-condition that you want. Do not join games with the sole intent to troll.

This will be handled postgame.

Alright everyone time to post the clears.

Cleared because they are the blackened

Josephine (Derps)
Arthur Pendragon (Datbird)
Sonja (Jane)
Stephanie (TL)
Arthur Townsend (Light)

Cleared because of Lore

Alison (Marluxion)
Alicia (eevee)
Alex (Wazza)

(i assume you mean the tubes in the inverted library, so once the chapter starts?)

jane is also lorecleared
idk why i wanted to point this out

“I mean the tubes that you’re in right now, for the trial.”

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“oh, im used to being boxed in…”

I mean they’re Ch3 blackened, that seems to be good enough for me.

yeah but the waste of a loreclear is :joy_cat: enough that i want to point it out

(I feel like it’s less “waste of a loreclear” and more “something that the hosts threw in for laughs”. The first implies that we have a limited amount of possible loreclears and that took a space that could have been more useful, but the throwaway nature of its mention felt like it was just something added in for extra flavor, since we already knew about it from our run.)

“Ah… do you smell that on the wind…? No, of course not. You’re humans.”

He runs his finger across the eyepatch strap.

“And that’s the last of them. No more murders.”

“You would’ve thought after the amount of success we’ve had this game, people would be more careful about trying to kill. I knew Arthur had it in him, though I never thought it’d actually surface. He covered his tracks pretty well, but the interrogation made the conclusion pretty clear.”

thank you
