DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

If we’re looking to maximize the ground we cover, we could safely split into as many as three groups (basically, we’re trying to not let people go off alone because letting the Mastermind go off alone would almost certainly cause us problems as they hide/destroy valuable evidence).

I believe Alicia already did what she wanted to do with the Core; that was how she created the lance that immediately got confiscated, no?

“…i’m never sure where she gets what she has, or how she gets it. i’ll just assume you’re right.”

“off the top of my head, there’s still something in the normal castles’ Drawing Room we’ve yet to figure out?”

“…probably a low priority, but something to keep in mind.”

//isnt eevee the ultimate snowboarder or something? how the hell do they have all of these abilities LOL

//brb I’m going back to sleep

(questioning eevee is suboptimal)

So how many groups do we intend to go with?
We know it should be at least 2 so that if the mastermind is in one of the groups, it makes it harder for them to sabotage the investigation if it isn’t in Amelia/Trochilidae.

Also Alicia as I’ve said is the IC and therefore we should run our updated MM POEs with her when we convene with our findings.

Alicia is the only one who can be trusted to go off alone and not destroy evidence as they are confirmed not MM.

Yeah, I know that everyone voting Jane was clear, that’s why I said it’s best to keep this people who voted Jane alive.
Which failed terribly.

It would be so many free clears.

Feels bad man.

Before I go off to bed, it would be nice to know who is assigned to which group so we can coordinate the investigation into the MM.

I want to be asigned to Infependant Federalist Alicias Movement.


Group or looser?

(i mean realistically im grouping with tan for timezone and rp reasons lol, if we do 2 different groups and let eevee go alone (tbh id rather eevee not go alone but) then katze/tan/min and crich/arctic/apprentice might be fine? idk)

i’m not waiting for a bunch of trees

we should just make sure if you’re moving somewhere then you have to be with someone

katze/tan min/arctic crich/apprentice eevee?


i dont think timezones allow any optimal groups

That’s fine! I don’t care

I’m alive now btw

Where does arctic wanna go first?

i was expecting more people to discuss like, half the things i talked about last night

like, this entire paragraph :joy_cat: