DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

afaik that only occurred during chapter 4? i can’t really remember
most of the time she didn’t do much though

So that might not be enough to condemn min here.
What matters is showing lack of TMI, which is what villagers or should I say participants have.
Participants can say and do things that look really bad in hindsight.
Yet that doesn’t matter so much if it can be proven they had no TMI.


(okay im gonna be real im not sure how confident i am with this clear rn
but im also the only person still alive in the first batch of her character drawings
i am the protagonist)

Locked vote on MM glgl

she said herself i was clearly the protagonist because i was in the centre of the final batch
get fucked lol

((of the 5 people I randomly chose in ch1, why do FOUR of them have to STILL BE ALIVE
((the imbalance irks me


(ok but im surrounded by corpse and you’re a loser who got lorecleared by being beaten to near-death)

This is how I was able to read Arctic as not MM during Ch4 btw.
I knew from how they interrogated TL that they had pretty much no TMI on TL being the blackened Ch 4.

(based and well timed)

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i’m surprised you came to that conclusion because i was pretty certain they were the blackened the moment we got the new PoE

it’s not the same as TMI, but

(if you want an example of someone with no TMI ever, just read me in any case :^) )

I had major TMI first trial


So I know who MM be but I let you losers discus so I don’t sway your opinion

I doubt you’d thunderdome yourself with the blackened in Ch1 as MM.
Which is another reason why I’m clearing you as not MM.

if you’re worried about swaying our opinion, then you obviously aren’t certain about who the MM is

Easiest Blackened bus of my life

I just want to see if you get it right

probably just trochi?
i can’t think of anyone else who’s done something you would notice but we didn’t