DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

“It’s cute that you’d think they’d know that.”

I think I’ve already claimed all my abilities in ch5.

I’ll do it again anyway.

I start with a homunculus, which is a copy of a player except intelligence and luck are both zero.
I have to use a player’s blood to be able to use a homunculus of said person.

I’m able to determine if a dead body I’ve found died the same way.
I used this ability on Alison and no one else died the same way.

I’m able to secretly remove body parts without being noticed.

My ultimate requires a human tongue for it to work.
The homunculus will be able to follow a set of instructions to the letter before dying permanently.
There is no limit to how long and complex the instructions can be, only that they can be followed.

ok fine, but they know who’s escaped and that’s everyone except 2 people but they still act like they have no idea what’s going on

(shrug, timoleon mentioned two people never escaping so i expect that to be the holdup)

“…speaking of me, Sophie, do you have that tablet still? I want everybody to watch it.” alyx giggles


Ultimate aristocrat
53 str 32 com 23 agi int 13 (had 12 but gained one from reading a book lmao) luk 10

I have a bigger dorm and it has a secret room ( a wine cellar) and it has a secret passageway to the observatory

I have a 5% higher chance at killing swords and sword like objects

I’m good at not waking up people while they’re asleep or unconscious

my ult - throw a body in my wine cellar and seal it for 24h. After 24h a new entrance to the cellar will open in the town square, and the previous entrances go bye bye

Pisces symbol

My starting stats are: Str 45, Con:60, Int 29 and Luck: 05
Also my symbol is rod of Asclepius.

I actually realize what my ult is

something somethinf you’d see the body but it wouldn’t connect to my room ? I thought it like made an entirely new cellar but ir doesn’t

Good thing that literally wouldn’t work anyway if I killed because light still knew it existed

My int is now 33 because I’ve been reading books.

Does anyone (who isn’t a replacement) remember that article?

(i wonder if we could have proven mins ultimate if i taught someone else how to fake their own death :^) )

“…the one after Alex died, that Sonja found?”

why does proving it mean anything

unless you think MM wouldn’t be randed with a card that helps them to kill

Yeah !!

which makes sense at first, but if you think about, it’d be too easy to clear people this way
plus it might not actually make that much sense if the card is completely random to MM card

there are 3 options

  1. MM card is always given with a specific classcard which was designed to be MM (like in DR3)
  2. MM card is randed separately to classcard but some adjustments are made so it makes some kind of sense for MM to have the abilities (DR4)
  3. MM card is randed separately to classcard with no adjustments made

and there isn’t really any way of telling except that i’m pretty sure it’s just not 3

(oh im not saying it’d be a hardclear
just a thing i thought of)

the problem with number 2 is that to what extent would you make adjustments to the classcard? you can’t change the card entirely just because it doesn’t fit MM otherwise you would just do number 1

What’s the difference between 1 and 3?

This is the article I was talking about earlier.

What was in that article btw?