DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Is it seriously me vs trochi here

Personally I think it’s less likely you’re the MM rather than Trochi here.
Technically Apprentice can be in PoE, though Ch1 and Ch6 tell me otherwise.

It sure looks that way.
If someone has a lore clear on you, they should out it now.

The only other serious possibility at this point is Susannah, and you’ve repeatedly stated that you don’t think it’s her.

my MM PoE excluded both min/CRichard for the past like, 3 chapters, and i’ve yet to figure out why past katze was hardclearing Night so hard because everything current katze has found has not been that great

and uh, i think i cleared min off of a super weak loreclear before



im gonna drop a quote

someone figure out what’s wrong with it

I remember talking to Light in Ch4 and he didn’t seem to think min was the blackened.
Curiously no one is clearing Trochi here.

I can’t see what’s wrong

Do not be ominous

i saw min vent

Alyx, feel free to be a little more blunt with your approach here.

(im not liking this because it’s stolen, but i laughed)

((Credit to arctic :joy_cat:

//NO like it I used it in funny context


“As Lachesis so eloquently told us how we fucked up by letting Sonja [Jane] escape…”

“I immediately took suspect to Matilda’s [Trochi] movements… and her motivations, but we’ll get to that.

“So, after the case of King Arthur [Dat], there was never actually any indication that anything had changed with the Obelisk. If you think back, prior to his case, the door to the obelisk appeared.”

“Now, one other thing I tried to remember was what happened at the Tower of the Broken God prior to Dennis [Apprentice] slaying the dragon… and I remember seeing Matilda [Trochi] come in about fifteen minutes after myself, and I, myself, was a few minutes late. I estimate that she arrived about 30 minutes late, knowing how long it takes me to organize myself in my dorm…”

“Now, Lachesis specifically noted that she had went to the Obelisk after the case of King Arthur… which means that, either she had made a visit to the Obelisk during those 30 minutes, or she did so when she left to, in her words, “go cause chaos”… and, well, I’m not too sure why she’d ever go to the Obelisk.”

alyx shrugs

“I don’t know if anyone has a general idea of where Matilda [Trochi] was during that period of time, but my general concerns are that it’s odd that she even go to the Obelisk… which is why I think it’s very possible she went due to seeing something on the cameras.”

“Now, regardless of whether or not I’m right about that – her treatment of the cyanide potion is… very weird. If you consider the fact it was labeled as a simple Intelligence Boost potion, why did she go out of her way to drink it in front of an audience?!”

“Additionally, according to Arthur [Light], she had claimed that her Ultimate Ability was an ability to essentially cure everything? I don’t recall the specific wording, he described it as a ‘cure all’, I believe. I, admittedly, don’t know quite how fast sodium cyanide would kill someone, but I think she’d notice something is wrong?”

“There’s more weirdness with how she handled the potion, but… I think I’ve said my piece, for now.”

(katze doesn’t feel like typing more)

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Guys, we have night 6 rn, MM most likely has converts, don’t trust lore clears which only one person saw.

(good timing eevee
how reasonable is this)

“Also, Alicia, did you ever taste Matildas [Trochi] blood, by chance? She was a witch, after all… I wonder if the different taste was because of that?”

(Sodium cyanide is actually shockingly fast-acting; it blocks oxygen transfer into tissue, forcing the cells to switch to anaerobic metabolism and causing lethal buildups of lactic acid. Five minutes is a totally plausible window from ingestion to death.)

(also i dont rly know how to explain in character that this exists but it definiely makes the poison i sucked out of him story kinda :eyes: given they never found an antidote, and i never sucked it out until he had already passed out… shrug)