DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]


If people don’t agree to vote Dat with me I’m filibustering up in here

true but i see participant trochi being more likely to do it than MM trochi

see i don’t really want to answer this because im probably confirmation biased at some point


knowing trochi i think as MM they’d try their hardest to get miscleared for something stupid like this?

but uh

yeah confirmation bias


he threw a piece of skin at me and i ate it

i think me tying trochi up and holding his hand is weirder, personally

Tbh I don’t have enough info to do anything but confbias myself on Trochi MM

But we’re voting Dat


im kind of scared that, despite the fact i’ve felt relatively strongly about trochi MM for multiple chapters, i’m fucking this up because i’ve been wrong every trial at first

but my other options are apprentice, min, and crichard

and like, it can totally be apprentice

he hasn’t had that gamer spark he usually has and thats why hes never escaped my poe

i previously took both min and crich out of said poe but past katze NEVER EXPLAINED WHY :joy_cat:


oh yeah i forgot about this
trochi can’t be MM sorry guys



also im p sure light was like hard clearing trochi
and light is someone i’d probably sheep their read on trochi for in a normal game?

i would have liked light to tell us more about what happened when trochi died because when i went to the library i was added to the old PM briefly so i only saw the first part of what happened, then a new one got made with the BDA

i don’t really think he did in YTTD either but he was participant there
and yes i know this is a different game but eh


“May I be let into the center area?”

heck my gamerness is depleting

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oh and i also completely bought that thing about getting a note in the wooden box saying “fuck you we aren’t telling you who the MM is”

“Hmmm? Oh, sure. Let’s see.”

Apprentice’s circle widens to the center.

Apprentice walks into the center, then sits cross-legged.

“I will be protesting the execution of Matilda. They were right this whole time. You fools are just to shortsighted to see it. I will do this as long as necessary, until the end if I must.”

He moves his hands, and puts them on his back. He sets them on fire, and quickly screams in agony as smoke billows from his blazing clothes.

do you seriously think it’s some bastard situation where there’s no mastermind or something

i kind of don’t believe hosts would do this