DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

so like, this shits been ongoing for hundreds of years

yet our parents are still alive, presumably


yeah that’s something which also doesn’t make any sense
how come previous versions of us have escaped and lived their lives yet everyone is still around 584 years later

“Maybe in a few million years, you’ll escape and find out…”

“does watching the same game for millions of years bring you enjoyment?”

“i get bored after a few days of watching something, so…”

“Of course not. But we don’t have a choice.”

“…because they have control over you?”

what the fuck happened to the star signs mosaic in the town square
it never updated after chapter 5

i remember thinking in chapter 1 we would have to do some puzzle with it, using the order of deaths or something

there were four rooms in the obelisk correlating with the n/e/s/w parts of it so im assuming the item inside the obelisk each chapter correlated with who died the prior ones? idk

I agree

there was the kunai room (which is prob where apprentice got the kunai he mentioned earlier)
the star room (i assume this is the room i got the beacon from?)
the heart room (there was a heart in here, its what let me fly, i found it in CH5 and nobody took it)
and the staff room (it had a staff inside that gave you +10% kill chance and let you use the stats of dead players for things)


I mean, DG-wise guessing MM is victory, but lorewsie… I would actually help MM.

that’s what i’m saying
so there’s not much point speculating about this anyway

in game we still win by selecting MM, but lorewise we… probably don’t :joy_cat:

Getting rid of MM is only making game easier to carry on for Timoleon.
Project Jorm is also unable to end this pretty much.

lorewise keeping MM alive actually helps the game to end.

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the real game is seeing if we’ll throw for lore reasons

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… I’m gonna vote to execute cosmic egg.

apparently the mosaic deliberately wasn’t to get updated
but i’m wondering if this is a retcon after the fact

Also, seriously speaking, why is lorewise a trial even a thing?

Hmm… MM is kinda helping Timoleon with project, cause ultimate mage is connected to stress in our organisms and new neural connections created due to it.

But like… there is many ways to put someone under the stress.
And getting rid of MM might make Timoleon search new trick, but is not gonna stop the loops.