DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(to clarify i’m not modconfirming whether or not it came from there, just saying that i’m a girl with a dumb sense of humour who thinks a bunch of people quoting the phrase “drawing room fireplace” then responding to it with “drawing room fireplace” is funny)

@Arctic @katze

Seriously tho…
This game trials and murders were avarge. I think we all agree on this.
Majority of murderers just admited to it before trial even started.

However game itself was fun due to lore and RP.

… I think we should just follow the lore to the end tbh.
Mechanics didn’t work that well as whole story behind this game.
And I think we all think simlarly tbh.

Like winning is one thing, but lore and rp were just way better than the game itself.
I’m willing to finish it in way I enjoy it.

Besides there is no better meme than voting out egg as mastermind :^)

bottom text

Apprentice wakes up.

“I unfortunately did not die.”

“Let me guess… you’re going to try and commit suicide again? If you want to escape that badly… you had many chances over the past few weeks.”

I tried to sate the egg, but SOMEONE TAKEN IT AWAY FROM ME.

apprentice lock MM for not killing tbh

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“…why’d you never try to kill me, again? if you’re so desperate to escape…”

“This is for a good cause though.”

“It would’ve been too simple. Also are you really naive enough to think the victors escape?”

lorewise i wouldn’t be surprised if it was something like all of this being bullshit and us trying to find the mastermind is meant to create the ultimate mage, and they want the mastermind out because they’re trying to stop the game


I tried voting Cosmic Egg and Timoleon.

First game me comment of “Invalid vote”
Second gave me “Not within domain of ultimate hunt”

they can’t stop us if we all vote Timoleon

“…we got a letter from Sonja, did we not?”

alyx shrugs

“do any of us even know what is real, and what isn’t?”

a letter from “Sonja” you mean

can someone help me discern if this is a Thing

thing that might be significant:

the only kill before loop 5 was wazza and they were stabbed in the back of a neck with a needle

the mastermind unlocked the ability to remember the previous loops (although i can’t remember when they gained this ability)

trochi was obsessed with needles


this only works if 1) we’re assuming that the MM was the one that murdered (which honestly, isn’t that unlikely because they’re pretty fucked in the head) and 2) they unlocked this ability before loop 4… or maybe they didn’t actually need to have this ability , and just really like needles

although i guess this only applies if we believe all the project jorm people and timoleon which i’m pretty sure we don’t want to do :joy_cat: