DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

That happened in Ch 5 as I subbed in Ch4 class trial.


1072-A: Geoffrey Fanseigh-Reynolds, his consciousness hooked up to a mainframe, causing his body to go braindead.
1072-B: Alex Braknell, killed by AREADBHAR … whatever that is …
1072-C You see the body of Matilda Martell, stabbed with two identical swords in the stomach.
^ Made by Alicia who escaped

1072-D: Arthur Townsend, vaporized by a laser.
1072-E: Stephanie Brown, hung up and roasted to a crisp.

5955-A: Harleck Abode, hung up and roasted to a crisp … the manner of murder eerily similar to the one in 1072-E…
5955-B: Josephine Farrierson, electrocuted with an ice-cream machine.
5955-C: Sophie McDonald, with her internal gravity flipped upside-down, causing her to cease functioning.
5955-D: Stephanie Brown, drawn and quartered, but with nanotech robots taking the place of horses.
5955-E You see the body of Dennis Gildenblake, tied on top of an iron grill and slowly roasted
^ Made by Alicia who escaped

6263-A You see the body of Sonia Erikkson, stabbed in the castle entrance with a pitchfork
^ Made by Alicia who escaped

6263-B: Alyx Blake, shot by a gun disguised as a banana.
6263-C: Hanako Redbrooke, killed by some sort of heavenly light coming from the sky.
6263-D: Sophie McDonald, tied on top of an iron grill and slowly roasted. Thinking about it for a moment, you realize that this means that two entirely different students in two entirely different runs independently came up with the idea of grilling someone…

Whoever did this I hate you and you’re an ass

who’s actually here to discuss things
because by the time US people wake up tomorrow there won’t be that long left to discuss so we should probably do that now before i go to sleep

starting with the fact that i believed nightingale’s murder plans but i don’t know why she actually outted them

i remember asking why but i don’t think i got a serious answer

which is why it could be weird, if it’s just… MM trying to come up with a convincing murder plan

by this metric

trochis murder plans were… significantly worse :joy_cat:

I get the impression that Nightingale was playing their 1st time and told you her plans because they trusted you for some reason.
That’s my thinking based on what she whispered you.


Edit: Her 1st Danganronpa game.

i remember them getting annoyed about their murder plans being revealed and now i think it seemed kind of fake because of how exaggerated it was… but it still could have been real since i’m not looking at this objectively

no she told everyone publicly about both of her murder plans :joy_cat:
i remember she was acting as though they were revealed / not usable anymore but i don’t think this was true

this is about trochi btw

If you want me to tell you exactly what Nightingale was thinking when she whispered you her plans, then I’m afraid you’re out of luck. I was referring to our whispers btw.

honestly i oscillate back and forth between “trochi obviously actually wanted to kill” and “trochi really wanted us to think that he could kill” :joy_cat:

I think the only way to answer that question is to socially solve min and Apprentice and that should give you your answer on if Trochi’s murder plan was for real or not.

yeah it’s really quite hard to tell tbh
if he is MM then he did a pretty good job

what were his murder plans?
did he go to the obelisk before? it’s possible he went at the start of chapter 3 because he hadn’t been there yet
i went there for the first time this chapter lol

i dont think anyone knows for sure if he went in CH2

I can confirm pretty much all of this were achivable.
It was possible to get laser or AREADBHAR.
Or electrocute by ice-cream machine.
Or flip internal gravity.
And all grills and roasts too, obviously.

And there were bananas which could disguise guns.
You needed bananas to become a monkey like Katze.

etc. etc.