DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Why thank you.
Anyway I hope no one has locked their vote on me because Nightingale was silly enough to make such a bald faced lie about her stats.
I’m not responsible for that.

you say that while i’m literally checking an alive person

I could say something how awkward CRich was when I said that they had 5 Aninos, which means they were either blackend or MM.

And how they said they are not blackend, but didn’t comment on MM part.

But I won’t.

That’s because the evidence and hints so far point towards the dead player as the MM.

See @CRichard564 I’m helping as promised.

I won’t mention other parts either.

ok how about this
between crich and trochi, if we were were wrong who would we feel less stupid about being wrong about

I thank you for that.
I still haven’t forgotten your mercy in EFoL 4.75 as well.


Trochi being MM and not voted is stupid.
Trochi not being MM and being votes is stupid.

this is
a thing

Then who would you vote first?

does it actually just detect the MM as 5 aninos

that sounds… not reasonable

is crich always a willager
is this AI in any way

I am not the one to ask for another player’s history of behavior.

You are talking to the person who got banned for harassment btw.

i’m not asking about that
i’m asking about willaging

I do have my good moments as a villager.
Though I seem to remembered more for willaging than good village play.


Due to Daylight Savings Time ending, there is a discrepancy as to when the trial ends. For scheduling purposes, we have elected to end the trial at 2021-03-14T17:00:00Z, 47 hours after the trial began.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the distortions in the time loop.

Imagine losing the game because my previous slot owner did something as silly as lie about her stats.

smh, we’re being scammed :triumph:

Are we going to forget Matilda’s movie btw?
I don’t remember my movie saying anything similar to what the nuns told Matilda to repeat.