DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

hard to say

trochi died with hydrochloric acid on his body

but i dont think anyone ever noted it not being full

and i also don’t know how much “trochi got hydrochloric acid from the chemical storage container that also had the cyanide” actually tells me

(You know, now that I’m thinking about it, there’s a nonzero chance that Matilda had the healing ability to try and disguise the fact that she wasn’t allowed to kill, because “Hey, I did this thing that would totally kill you, but you lived, guess I’m outed as MM” is a damn sight better when rephrased as “Hey, I did this thing that would totally kill you, but watch as I undo the damage so you can live”.)

my first instinct upon seeing it was “trochi is not a participant” and part of me was like “well thats too obvious”

and now they’re my top mm suspect


Unless they were some kinda weird ass wildcard whose wincon was to stop murder attempts, but part of me thinks they would have claimed that to at least someone because that’s an awesome way to make friends and keep yourself alive, and it also doesn’t make sense for them to be so downright suicidal if that’s what their goal is.

trochi wildcard worlds have popped up in my head occasionally

its about the only answer that makes any sense that isnt trochi mm

anyway katze sleep

katze will prob be up before end of trial to say some things, but dont expect much from katze

and if not, gl


fuck daylight savings


perfect timing

if crich is actually MM and still got this mad then :joy_cat:

Uh I don’t think I heard about this before.
Though I must say this is weird as heck.

Oh yeah it was a joycat moment

So we know the MM is unable to kill anyone directly.
Which would be a giant give away if they didn’t have an ability that would save someone from death.
Trochi’s abilities sure look a lot like what MM needs to cover up their inability to kill as if that is outed, they never survive the final trial no matter what.

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I need to sleep

It’s 6 am

I’ll probably miss when game ends

GL everyone. I hope we’re right.

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@Apprentice why did you clear me for this murder again

there are a few things with apprentice which bother me

  1. how come he was still uncertain about derps being the killer despite him admitting to him and saying he burnt his clothes in the oven
  2. the situation with the codeword ‘potatoe’ that i still don’t understand
  3. why hasn’t he killed yet
    like it doesn’t really seem like he’s been playing the game the last 2 chapters and he also didn’t seem eager to solve MM

oh also @Icibalus you need to update the playerlist after last chapter before we all die

i don’t even know why i’m still checking things now, it’s not like i’ll be able to change the outcome

i hate timezones

I mean if Trochi is the MM, then we probably win anyway.
If it’s Apprentice, then I’ll be kicking myself for misclearing him.

If it’s Apprentice, we probably could have gotten there if someone didn’t make a silly meme post about their stats which wasted trial time.

Wasn’t there supposed to be a dragon which was slain by Apprentice?
If that is correct, I’m thinking the MM restriction they can’t directly kill also extends to the dragon maybe?
As it’s probably harder to kill a dragon than a participant without some really good weapon if I didn’t know any better.
Besides if it’s Apprentice, then I guess if people didn’t vote him out and it’s him well that would suck.

i mean

can the MM kill a fly? probably
that’s why i think it only applies to humans