DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

It was a suicide. That doesn’t mean they’re the blackened, though.

that’s not what suicide means
you can kill yourself and it’s not suicide
for it to be suicide it has to be intentional


Lock Clear
Likely Clear
Social/:deciduous_tree: Clear

  • Jane
    • If Trochi got the poison in The Tomb, I’m cleared because of my full Inventory :hamster:
    • Otherwise I can probably towncase myself if necessary.

  • Amelia
    • Cleared by kat and Arctic (timeframe too small) :clock11:
  • ArcticXI
    • Cleared by kat (timeframe too small) :clock11:
  • Apprentice
    • Waiting on their pathing, but should be cleared.
  • katze
    • Small-ish timeframe :clock11:

    • Kind of :eyes: at the start of the Trial.
  • Marluxion
    • :deciduous_tree:
  • Trochillidae
    • Handwriting Clear :writing_hand: (Blood on their wall)
    • Would be throwing if they were a WC with suicide wincon
  • min
    • Handwriting Clear :writing_hand: (Posters)
  • Nightingale
  • eevee
    • Cleared several people with handwriting
    • Was the first one to suggest that it wasn’t actually suicide :wowee:
    • Probably other stuff I forgot

    • They did some :eyes: stuff that I’m choosing to ignore because I don’t believe they’re the Blackened.
  • Tangeld
  • Light
    • Handwriting Clear :writing_hand: (Idk what, because I think they only showed it to eevee)
  • TrustworthyLiberal
    • Handwriting Clear :writing_hand: (Notebook)

(This is largely based on what I remember)

@Tangeld @Nightingale


Don’t ping night she said she’s taking a break

Also I have my journal and people have checked it before. @Jane ask if the handwriting is familiar to the one on the wall

Since I know for a fact you’ve read it before

Btw my vote is on eevee because neither Night nor Tangeld make this kill

Suggesting it wasn’t a suicide isn’t good enough for me

Also anyone who pathed through the tower of the broken God at any time between the opening of the new area and the kill should be able to confirm they saw me there

The fact that eevee spent the entire last chapter in the chemistry lab making “potions” is so much more damning than any other evidence we have

I don’t remember having read your journal but I guess I can ask.

i don’t see how apprentice is cleared in like
any regard?

you know the reason why this is empirically incorrect is because they are about to win if they had a suicide wincon
if they had a suicide wincon they’ve clearly tricked us into thinking that it was TWTBAW to be suicide combined with the fake label among other things
it’s WIFOM and this argument is pointless

why are we still clearing people for handwriting when they could have changed their handwriting while making the label?

That’s stupid.

Because they wouldn’t think of that while making the label.

Apparently I have read it before, but I’d need to see it again to compare it.

you’re using TWTBAW
using TWTBAW is stupid

why not
how would you know
are you the killer :flushed:

I know I’ve shown it to a few people this game plus anyone who has searched me has seen it

Yeah apprentice could have done this kill, but isn’t it like

A little lame of a kill? I would’ve thought apprentice would be flashier