DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

okay well we have 2 options

we either accept the world that trochi got the bottle from the tomb which means it has to be jane (and i still don’t really believe this)

or we consider worlds where he got it from elsewhere

how do we even narrow people down if we assume this

We try to find out when he was with other people, and where.

I’m pretty sure he wasn’t among the ones who immediatly went to the Tower, but I don’t know when he got there.

this is true
but it may be because they were in action processing limbo
we can’t really tell

I think we can ask the hosts this. I just asked if I saw them enter before I left.

Alternative we can ask @Nightingale if they saw Trochi leave the Town Square, since they were still there until 2021-02-16T19:37:00Z.

good idea
hopefully nightingale comes back to the thread at some point

and if she can confirm trochi went somewhere else first, she could ask what direction he went in

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Apparently I can’t remember.


If we come to conclusion that Trochi going with “Look at what potion I found” means that they found it in tower… hmmm

i don’t think they found it in the tower or they would have just drank it then

i think they found it in the time between when the chapter started and when they went to the tower

You don’t think they found it [later] cause they would drink it right away.

So you think they found it [earlier] and kept it till [later]

What is that logic?

amend this to
i don’t think they would have drank it there with the whole dragon situation and everything

Well, they did NOT drink it during dragon situation, that for sure.

  1. i don’t think they would have found it in the tower after several people got there before them
  2. i don’t think they would drink it in the tower with everything going on there

either they got it from the tomb and it’s jane, or they got it from wherever they were at the start of the chapter and it’s someone else

And that’s Arctic why I want you gone at this trial.

A reminder to vote by the end of the Class Trial if you want to have a chance of winning.


Oh god.

How many people are tree’ing their vote?

i am currently tree’ing my vote