DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

//well that is fair enough

(like if eevee is the blackened then i think the handwriting clear idea is exactly what he’d do to “clear” himself

but also he hasn’t really been using it like that

which is kinda why i wanna say its not him

but also if it’s him he’s been leading us on the wrong track this entire time probably and in that case we can just sit in a box and sing kumbaya)

Do you know if they left before going into The Tomb?

i don’t think so, i think he went in the tomb with everyone else after they killed the dragon

(no because i left

when i went back to the tower i saw trochi there but that was ~3 hours after i left)

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That doesn’t mean Trochi didn’t leave in those 3 hours.

@Marluxion you were there the entire time, right? Do you remember Trochi leaving?

even if you didn’t see trochi get added to the PM, might be worth asking the hosts in case he went somewhere else directly


I can ask these questions

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Trochi never left the tomb once he went in.

It was, metaphorically and literally, his tomb.

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There wasn’t any og poster to begin with, all of them were coppies made of… thin air tbh.


very cool

Technicly posters were made with black pen and label with blue.

That’s only thing which comes to my mind regarding this tho.

(so eevee, who do you think killed trochi)

Mr. Cyanide did.

(who administrated mr. cyanide to trochis potion?)

can’t we just clear anyone that immediately went to the tower
since no one was previously found to have a blue pen on them?

although i don’t think everyone was searched

(what if there were two potions and the labels were switched

and the killer never actually wrote anything)

apprentice said it was handwritten and taped on

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