DR6 Disinterest Check

anyway if someone wants to use the information in this thread to host this so I don’t have to
please do


clearly you must enlist me as honorary spectator cohost

everyone begins designing a dangan

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5-1 would have easily been the best if the blackened wasn’t caught in his room hiding other people’s clothes 5 minutes after deadly life

idk about the other games, but because of that chapter 4 was probably the best trial in DR5


i think 5-2 was really close to being great as well tbh

minus things

i’d like to think that we would have solved chapter 1 without the confession to apprentice anyway though?

we never found what was used to cut out the heart but we correctly assumed it was derps’ sword

his sword was also dented and he was found in the bank (or maybe senate i can’t remember) when the killer needed marble for the ritual

plus he was like literally there before the murder
and TL’s thing (i can’t remember how he did it) proved he was lying too

5-2 seems good on paper until you realize that we confirmed the ultimate ability that switched off the cameras was used in the murder room, and jane only saw datbird enter that room before it happened so it could only have been a suicide unless the killer was already there :joy_cat:

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5-1 was like an actual Danganronpa murder case and definitely my favourite case however Derps outed himself to App, even if he was already caught by an alibi.

he was also caught by the fact that he said he went to his dorm after leaving us at jane’s dorm yet didn’t notice his clothes were missing
and you would be explicitly told if they were missing

yes good give me time

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I’d be interested

its a disinterest check

well, I’m interested in the disinterest check then


Thoughts from someone who’s so good at DR that he never made it past Trial 1 (100% WR)

Disclaimer, I’ve not read DR5 :+1: (at least in its entirety)

I think Mastermind shouldn’t be an auto-add in every setup, I don’t think its existence is an issue it’s just that you know what to expect and usually, now obviously if you make it so Mastermind isn’t in every setup you run through quite a few issues when it comes to game-ending and stuff but I think it can be worked around (keeping the “find out the answer to x mystery” type beat, literally "solve the game or lose)

I do think that the game should downscale the further it goes on, or just make it so it’s a different place you visit every chapter and the places you previously went to just, disappear (haven’t read DR5 so maybe that happened there)

I think the only way to fix that is by being more selective with the playerlist (having everyone be active, the entire dozen or so). Probably requires stricter moderation which maybe isn’t fun but I think that game health > having 1 or 2 players subbed out in order to get swapped with more active fellas

You can also fix that by having the players realize that they don’t have to go all-in chapter 1 but adhd zoomers perhaps don’t realize that

I think the concept is okay in itself but the example you provide might fall in the “I can’t make the game advance on my end (at least trying to get to the true ending wincon) without this person dying, but I can’t kill them myself because then it’s just normal Danganronpa blackened gameplay”

but I don’t have the concept

Okay to be honest I didn’t expect this to be what you’d go with, honestly if this is a wincon it feels to close to just VLDR I’d say? Not that it’s negative it just isn’t “Danganronpa” anymore you know?

Dumb idea I totally just imagined now but what if everyone shared their True Ending wincon and it’s a unique thing that only one person can achieve.

I think the issue with that, I’m going to use your example of “destroy a room” but it doesn’t really negatively affect the rest of the playerbase. It doesn’t harm anyone, like if I was a player not going for the True Ending and I learned someone’s wincon was to destroy a room I’d just go “well sure go ahead it doesn’t hurt me”. Now that’s extremelyyy example dependant so maybe I’m being mislead by this scenario but yah

So I took that every true ending = escape at face value but maybe I’m wrong (assume not)

aynway I think that if the True Ending is as “simple” (I don’t know how hard you’d have to destroy the room in this example) I feel as if everyone would just go for the True Ending and nobody would want to cooperate with others (minus going for their own true ending with the help of others)

Repeating myself for the sake of getting my thoughts through but I don’t feel that people would care that much about someone getting the true ending unless it actually killed them.

If everyone can become a wildcard, why try and cooperate with others if there’s like 1/3rd of the game that wants to win alone and another 1/3rd who wants to escape by killing

Becomes a lot like VLDR I feel? Where good aligned players have close to no agenda as to what they can do (except here you choose to be good but we all know that majority isn’t going to act all innocent so not harming others doesn’t benefit you here)

Idk if my thoughts are really getting through here

I typed a lot of words for a game I’m probably not playing in :+1:

it was more of an example than something i’d actually use

not every true ending requires escaping

I think the example here is something that’d feel way too easy to achieve without hurting others and I don’t know if you plan on having like over a dozen wincons but I don’t think it’s something you can design for every game without feeling like a shoe in at someone point

good :+1:

Anyone wanna play connect four

not all at once you guys