Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I’m going to re-evaluate both Mist and Centuries.
I ignored them because they had a few good posts during SoD. Don’t want them to fly UTR.

I don’t particularly like Apprentice’s slot right now. Pressure gets left off of them and they start to do nothing. :man_shrugging:
/vote Apprentice

I’d like Apprentice to be the CW to Italy here.

How long until EoD?

5 and half hours

Okay, I’d like an elaboration on that

Meta reads based on post count are only effective when they’re extreme; Italy & Emilia being examples.
I’m disregarding this.

This just looks like an excuse to not vote :man_shrugging:

… What resistance
There was no resistance

Okay I’m fine with a Mist CW as well

Reminds me of myself in Insurgency.
Literally claimed DX “Voteeless ITA Immune Jailkeeper/ Activated 1-shot Doctor w/ Extra Shot But Only For Literally One Event” to avoid voting.

@Appelsiini I’m fine with discussing anything you want to talk about; I can walk you through my thought process, if you’d like?

That would be preferable.

Centuries' half-EoD>nearEoD ISO

I’m not really educated on App’s meta
I’ll need to compare volume of reads to App’s games.

Approximately 1/6 of Centuries’ ISO is just flooded with an interaction with Wazza, and mech role talk.
I’m going to ignore it. It’s absolutely pointless.

Don’t understand his read either.

Okay so Centuries is also seeing pointless discussion and intervening
I think discussion today was so pointless & severe if this continued we’d lose
So I’m willing to assume Centuries doesn’t do this as wolf

Now we’re at shitty reaction tests. I feel like that reaction test can heavily weight on a player’s personality rather than just alignment.
A shitty reaction test with a shitty result

I don’t like this vote
It’s indesicive, but he’s backed it up with an argument. This is probably just a result of his entire argument weighing on a reaction test :upside_down_face:

Again, another type of awknoledging village is doing nothing. I always come back to absolute garbage arguments. Centuries knows it.

I’m going to answer this question
I don’t believe this
I’m pretty sure it’s just village being absolutely useless
I’d say at least 60% of the table is being useless

I’ve given my opinions on Centuries’ early game before. Him being relaxed is a good look for Centuries (though that argument with Wazza was not relaxed :upside_down_face:) and I’m happy with his concern for thread state.
I’m retaining my read that Centuries is probably town. I believe his push on Wazza & oB were in good faith.

This is where it all started; It was pretty much out of nowhere.

My original reaction, because at that point, I was sure it was an RT.

First seeds of doubt because like why would he unvote me if the RT was fake and nothing would happen?

Still pretty sure it’s just a dumb RT though

More doubt
I’m still confused on why he kept it going but I’m a boss at overthinking the most basic shit

claimed guilted vigilante and I at this point I was getting really worried because what was the point of this if it was a RT?

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be talking because at this point I was like “he might actually be telling the truth”

Like I said, I grew up on PJO and mythology. At this point I was all but convinced it was real, and was getting legitimately upset.

I figured I was about to die anyways, and you’d see my flip no matter what, so might as well.

Can we please for the love of god just disregard this reaction test

Probably too late now but I feel like you maybe just got rolefish’d

neapolitan cop in this setup

I’ll let you decide if I bread crumbed my role D1 or not.

Soon, Kyo.

I don’t think you answered this. Did it only become apparent after someone else called it out?

What were you wanting to achieve by claiming your flavor?

Why did you choose to blame Cent for this, and not EVO?

How has this changed your opinion on Cent?

I didn’t even know scum get fake flavor but apparently they get more?

Idk flavor claiming gets nothing but I assume that town light doesn’t know that piece of intel

OP tells you non-Olympus aka non townies get safe flavor claims.

Oh ok someone made it sound like they get an entire fakeclaim lmao

I think I told you guys that of all the Greek heroes that Perseus is the one I rate the highest :sunglasses: .

Yeah, thats why I invited Cent… it was a bit awkward, I didn’t actually realize that it was EVO who said that.
