Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

he claimed that he gets to use it on himself n0

its weird

Cent also you know has a green check so I fought you can count that as spew right :thinking:

anyways, cool that Iā€™m not dead, Iā€™ma do some work, be back this evening

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tbh I thought id die too

but I mightve had protectives

Also why am I alive?
If I was scum like I would have killed me or cent right both are cleared yet the killed were as such?

I need to reevaluate some things now

@Centuries can you claim if anything happened to you last night?

Also I think I have some info but unsure of it will help and wanna hear from others first.

I have some info but sadly itā€™s probably irrelevant at this point given other claimed info

Hmmm well letā€™s see,
When do you think you are still alive?

I would have no clue who your check was, outing a bus before you would out your scumcheck which probably would have an extremely high chance to be someone else and would get 2 scum killed.

What would be the point in that?

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I will also answer this for myself.

I think itā€™s cause I had low impact yesterday I got busy and didnā€™t make an unique push only really onto Italy and suspected Mode.

Wazza outted his redcheck at the SoD. Just not the target

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I wonder who Mist targeted

do you mean why

For the first one I actually donā€™t think we focus on it till tomorrow as if there is more KP that was roleblocker thatā€™s when it might come into play.

Iā€™m not going to neglect the possibility of Wazza going ā€˜it was a reaction testā€™, because I thought it was in a post here;

Wazza has been all over the place with this redcheck. I donā€™t think itā€™s unlikely this is a bus after heā€™s saw I had a redcheck.
His motivation for revealing early and derailing thread makes no sense.

I think itā€™s possible scum has a watcher as well.
Couldā€™ve saw me visit Hippo :man_shrugging:

Kyo I can see the busing world however.
We should just kill the Red check right?

Worry about the bus afterwards

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Yes thatā€™s what I meant


You mean LIKE ITALY how I said to lynch.

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