Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

at first he seemed kinda nervous to post in thread

but i like his tone

specifically hippo vote

wazza good

I donā€™t think thatā€™s particularly indicative?

A wolf can use meta to justify reads the same as any other tool for reading


Hmmmm I feel like 2 votes on someone with a majority of 13 should not be a valid excuse for an overreaction. But thatā€™s just my opinion

Disagree. The meta read was accurate and I agree with it; although I didnā€™t think it powerful enough to verbally say or townread for it, it comes from town motivation.

I heavily agree with the Centuries read as you can guess from what i have said.
Mist i have as townlean but i want to see how the day plays out more before setting that down.
Apprentice i have no read on
Intensify i honestly am confused by their play and trying to put into different worlds on where i beleive it could be a good stand and donā€™t think its AI in the end reast of their posts havnā€™t given me a hell of a lot of an idea to their alignment.

And yeah no wallpost seems to have given info right now and most could have been much smaller for hte same info.

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2/13 votes is nothing and should be common (half the game could have 2 votes at once.)
also the time we have pressure would be like 8+ votes and a general thread consense

Iā€™m just doing my ā€œthingā€
Skim over SFOL 61.5 if you are confused

I guess Iā€™ll just agree to disagree on this point then

I just donā€™t think itā€™s something that should be clearing

So you agree with me that having 2 votes is an overreaction from them is an overreaction?

Heā€™s claimed Alchemist, then Priest as Prince.
Itā€™s why Iā€™ve been ignoring his posts and questioning why Apprentice would want to find his motivation for claiming.

Do you guys literally not see what I was doing jezuz
Alch ā€”> Priest ā€”> Prince

Ah i donā€™t understnad what your asking here might just be me misreading can you reword it?

Guessing this is the same game so will note this down and not worry about claims for now thanks.

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Grammer on that failed.
I was basically asking that if you agreed with me that having 2 votes in a majority of 13 is not justified for an overreaction

Its not cause for a defensive reaction but an overreaction is likely cause it is just that an OVER reaction.

Uhhhh I totally understood thatā€¦
I feel like Iā€™m missing something here

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/vote PKR

Iā€™m going to sleep. Bye

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Bye scum see u tomorrow

Also itā€™s not even 9:30 bitch what