Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Anyone who knows what it is.

Highest townread as of right now is probably between TBE/Intensify. I think both are blatant town.

Highest scumread would probably be ash/Apprentice because both of their reads look forced and fake from what I’ve been able to read until now. Italy is probably just scum too, because he’s not posting, but I would rather have his slot vigged than yeeted.

As for today’s yeet, I don’t want to yeet Mode, because he may actually be town based on how antagonistic he is. If he really did defend someone so hard at EoD (from what I heard; I haven’t actually read that myself just yet), it doesn’t automatically make him scum, especially if we don’t know the alignmenet of the person he defended. If Maximus hasn’t posted and is being wagoned for that reason, that’s also bad. He might be scum, but he’s equally likely to be town if he’s a 0 poster. At this stage of the game, all wolves have almost certainly posted, because wolves feel a higher pressure to post.

I would like to yeet Apprentice/ash. Might seem like a tunnel, but I’ve read until post ~1100 and I haven’t seen anything that would change my mind.

Apprentice scum. Wazza is probably town, but that’s a gun-to-head read and I don’t have concrete reasons for it.

Apprentice claiming the dayvig on Hippo feels like the bullshit he pulled in CFM where he hardbussed his buddy day 1 by daykilling him after he claimed self-resolving. Here, Hippo claims Miller, basically signing his death warrant, then Apprentice shoots him with a silent dayvig and claims the shot, despite the potential presence of an anti-claimer. It just reeks of bus equity.

As for the Dreaming God thing, lolmechanics. When it matters, I will think about it. Good thing we got rid of the scum Dreaming God backup.

Maximus isn’t 0 posting he went into thread and then like said I was openwolfing for asking him to play lmao

its not backup but loldeadperson’srole

I’ve just skimmed his ISO.

He entered thread, shaded Intensify, attacked Intensify because Intensify attacked Italy (a wolfy slot), then OMGUSed a little.

Okay, this is actually a potential wolf, ngl.

He hasn’t shared any opinions about players other than Intensify. Doesn’t even seem to have a solid read on Italy. Regardless of Italy’s alignment, it looks bad.

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If I’m forced to pick, I’m definitely hopping onto the Maximus wagon.

Meh, I’m just gonna do it right now. I think the wagon is all town.

At worst Maximus is LHF and a slank vig can pick his slot off if his wagon isn’t the biggest by EoD.

He cared about the game enough to push a singular person and defend a wolfy slot.
I don’t think this flips V.

Agreed I’ll be shocked if Maximus is a villager.

Just wokeee 7am what the fuck

Was it centuries that has been heavy shading cloned without dedicating to the push or estel

I literally had a post that was like

“should we cfd him”

and then i read his iso

“nah we shouldnt”

Someone posted several examples of him and hippo interacting then dipped ♤

Too tired for this tho

Wait why do I look worse for hippo’s flip? I guess maybe there’s bus equity, but still not sure how that makes me look worse…

If it’s based on only this, like, I don’t think I was a terribly difficult TR to make/fake.

Guys lol. Maximum Prime just scum slipped let’s vote them lol.

He claimed VT…
Scum fake claiming lol.

this is what makes you look worse imo ash

They didn’t claim VT though

what does he mean by cit though