Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Lowkey this start of day has been the most useless SoD I’ve seen in a while

Prolly indicates laziness or more likely high scum presence. I feel like someone usually has a half decent wagon or threads progressed by now lol

If we have no one vote to vote we can just vote wazza or maximus for fun


I think it’s cause we have no thread leader and i don’t want to be the thread leader cause i don’t trust my own reads till D3+ i can take over leader then but never D1 just my play style.

Maybe when cent gets back they might have something to push.

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Big wall post incoming from me to keep this convo going somewhere I guess maybe

Theres no traditional leaders from this forum in this game tbh which I quite like, were forced to change abit. A few years ago I used to be more of a tl but I wasnt that good, much better in a deputy position tbh.

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Someone said kyo was gonna be a leader but I dont wanna be in a world where kyo leads discussion lmao

Pokemon guy been writing for an hour after 300 posts, cant wait to see how long he writing d3 lmao

Btw I dont wanna flex but this is legit the only flavor I could try solve cuz it’s what my degree is in so if anyone wants some hot facts @ me

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Based on a couple features of my role, I highly doubt this game is flavor-solvable.

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What does “mlem” mean?

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Ok so Imma post this here, this is basically my thinking and conclusions over these 150ish posts. Also I’m trying out a points system, cause IDK it seems interesting. You probably shouldn’t give too much thoughts into the points crap I’m doing. Also I believe this is what they call a “wallpost”

100ish Posts In
  • Centuries off to good start with ideal plan ready so that town doesn’t lose or off track (+ 1 Point)
  • BTE also did the same but after which is whatever. Apperently the posts were 2 minutes apart? Oh well, it might be BTE trying to act townish but this is too early into posts for me to think about. (+ 0.5 Points)
  • Mist says that he was gonna slank but he “randed villager” so now he has to post. This is suspicious to me, why would any town just randomly say that? Wouldn’t it have been better to just keep silent and post instead of saying that you weren’t gonna post but you “randed villager” so now you will? (- 2 Points)
  • Estel is pushing on ClonedCheese for minor stuff, which I find a little scummy. (- 0.5 Points)
  • Estel seems rather “offended” by a vote from TBE on him the first day, seems odd. (- 0.5 Points) (Correction: This is false and Estel was “offended” before TBE voted him, ignore this one)
  • TrustworthyLiberal defends Centuries in the first 50 post. Honestly, I wouldn’t have, there wasn’t much to go off of. Perhaps a scum buddy defending scum buddy? (- 0.5 Points)
  • Estel is now voting other ClonedCheese int he first 50 posts… what. That seems kinda conclusive… (- 0.5 Points)
  • TBE also cuaght onto Mist’s “slank thing.” (+ 0.2 Points)
  • Cloned is providing pretty good arguments against Estel. (~ Points)
  • Estel is awfully aggressive, maybe it is just a towny doing… well town stuff. (~ Points)
  • Random Trust in Apprentice. (+ 1000000000000000000000 Points)
  • Never mind change that, Apprentice is pushing on TBE for different play style, hasn’t this literally happened last time as well? Why is everyone gotta be judging on different playstyles? (- 0.5 Points)
  • Ash is confused in the first 100 posts it appears. I don’t know, just wanted to point that out. (~ Points)
  • Ok so now Estel is really pushing on Cloned, perhaps Estel hasn’t played with Cloned before but Cloned seems to be doing Cloned stuff for now. (~ Points)
  • So now Estel is saying that none of his posts are jokes, I assume that was a joke as well… but I don’t know… I’m not sure if I trust it. (- 0.5 Points)
  • Read list by Centuries

til i cant spell the word ringing

ok maybe i should have thread presence since i cant sleep

twl good
app ok
tbe good
sulit ok but not too ok
cheese is cheese

  • Note: Appel and Sulit haven’t posted much to go off of and he is saying that they are good… let’s see this then. (- 0.5 Points)
200ish Posts In
  • Correction: Estel felt pushed when TBE asked him to vote someone. This in itself however is still suspicious to me. I assume TBE was looking for who Estel would vote as a sign for potential teammates as scum if he was scum. (- 0.5 Points)
  • Apprentice is very pushy on TBE for whatever reason, I mean didn’t we literally also aruge last time about TBE’s “new playlist”? or am I just imagining things? (-0.5 Points)
  • Estel later defends himself saying that he felt like it was weird for a person to tell someone to randomly vote and was trying to figure out what alignment this could indicate… so ok then. Fair enough, I’ll let it slide for now I guess. (+ 0.5 Points)
  • Sulit likes Mist… for no reason specified? (~ Points)
  • Estel thinks I’m town based on my actions and posts, which is ok. But I find it odd how Estel wants my approval for some reason… odd. But I’ll let it slip for now. (+ 0.5 Points)
  • Apprentice doesn’t think playlist changes don’t matter, so basically retracting his previous statement. Seems fine I guess, people’s opinions change. (+ 1 Point)
  • New Read List? by Centuries

tbe trying harder is good now we need to see if he ever goes out of tbe townrange, v atm

sulit, i know my girl soolit all of these posts can easily be made by scum soobs which is why I’m not keen on calling her a townread of mine usually she has distinct posts as town

cheese he’s hard to read so there’s that

app well he’s one of those players who i play a lot with and this looks more like town app so far

twl has a n0 on me and maybe its scum pocketing me but i think its real

yupyup early game weak reasoning yup

I’ll give you a point for posting out a readlist as atleast. (+ 1 Point)

  • ash4fun is now pushing TBE for reaction tests or something I think because Marshal was scum and did it last time he was scum? Seems like a bad reason to vote for TBE in my honest opinion. (- 0.5 Points)
  • We are now arguing over whether TBE’s “new playstyle” is potential evil because he’s never been scum before, seems arguable I guess, but I don’t want to do meta too much cause lolsecond and half game for me. (~ Points)
  • Estel has now retracted his push on TBE? (~ Points)
  • Kyodaz’s opinion on Centuries is that it is BS. (~ Points)
  • Hippoyeetus seems to have a slight push on Kyodaz because Kyodaz repeated a phrase a bunch of times as scum before… I thought we weren’t using meta. (- 0.5 Points)
  • Small beef between Kyodaz and Hippoyeetus, I’m going to grab some popcorn this seems interesting. (~ Points)

WTF… you forgot about me

Good, I like this for sure. (+ 1 Point)

P O I N T S(You should ignore this but whatever)

Geyde |Null|
Apprentice |0 Points|
Italy |Null|
PKR |Null|
Estel |1 Point|
clonedcheese |Null|
Intensify |100% Town here|
Crichard564 |Null|
TheBlueElixir |0.7 Points|
an_gorta_pratai |Null|
Centuries |1.5 Points|
Appelsiini |Null|
Wazza |Null|
Ash |- 0.5 Points|
Sulit |Null|
TornadoX |Null|
ModeShifter |Null|
MaximusPrime |Null|
KyoDaz |Null|
Bluestorm |Null|
Mist |- 2 Points|
Light |Null|
TrustworthyLiberal |- 0.5 Points|
Hippoyeetus |- 0.5 Points|

Everyone's Readlist So Far I Think

Post 111: Centuries’s First Readlist?

Post 335: Kyodaz’s first readlist I believe

Voting Patterns

Day 1 (Majority is 13)

  • Post 13: TBE votes Sulit
    [Random Vote]
  • Post 26: TBE votes Mist
    [Random Vote]
  • Post 49: TBE votes Wazza
    [Random Vote]
  • Post 50: Estel votes ClonedCheese
    [ClonedCheese states that people shouldn’t expect much from him, Estel finds that suspicious]
  • Post 67: TBE votes Intensify
    [Random Vote]
  • Post 81: TBE votes Estel
    [Reason Unknown, @TheBlueElixir could you tell me why? I think I missed it]
  • Post 134: Ash4fun votes TBE
    [Apperently TBE did something that Marshal did in a scum game and now that’s grounds for a vote?]
  • Post 211: Apprentice votes Intensify
    [Felt like I was drawing conclusions too quickly which is sus???]
  • Post 212: oB_L1ght votes Intensify
    [Agress with Apprentice on the opinion of me???]
  • Post 241: Hippoyeetus votes Kyodaz
    [BEEF… I think I’m not very sure actually]
  • Post 242: Mist votes Intensify
    [Because I left after flavor claiming Hades, I guess that’s pretty fair]
  • Post 250: TBE votes Sulit
    [To TBE, Sulit has done nothing but poke at other people apparently]
  • Post 273: Sulit votes Apprentice
    [Because Apprentice just hoped in once and said Cheese was good, and then just left cause lol]
  • Post 274: ash4fun votes Apprentice
    [Following what Sulit did]
  • Post 354: Hippo votes PKR
    [No reason specified, maybe Hippo could tell us?]

I put way too much effort into this… I need help

Look into this huge af post if you want, I just want to bring this conversation somewhere since we’re kinda just stuck right now

Why am I minus 0.5 for voting someone who I said did something he usually does as scum and others can prolly corroborate


Isn’t that kind of a bad reason though? Also I told you not to read into the points too much

funny enough, your the first person to ask why i did that original vote

little bit because it was RVS and also Estel seemed to go after cheese but wouldnt commit to it, and only voted cheese after prompting.

Not really, theres no bad reasons 200 posts in, u just wanna engage and cause as much discussion as possible.

And saying to not read too much into it discourages discussion and basically demerits whole point of ur wallpost lol