Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!


I doubt town knows the anti claim though

thatd be rather counter intuitive

still think its weird we have a claimer alive though



I have this slight feeling that spectators are yelling at either us or each other right now about somethingā€¦ just this slight feeling

Also Iā€™ve realized, Iā€™ve pretty much been Townleaning literally everyone who hearts my posts


Hold on what are they are in for @clonedcheese

This one, @clonedcheese explain plz

early reads, slightly sheeped. Looks alright.

early reads, me likey

I really like this post. Assuming we trust crichā€™s slankvig claim, this looks like neither burying nor tmi-protecting nor staying away, which are all reasonable paths more likely for scum.

Like, if CRich is town then light is also town here. (not 100% lock but rather confident) Possible coaching equity, hence the ā€œif crich townā€

Not sure I feel about how he wants to instantly clear the ā€œgreenchecksā€ but ig maybe he thought they were real enough?

pretty good reads for D1, evidence of high effort, or at least paying attention to thread in a reading sort of way.

This explains greencheck claims reaction better, and I like them more for it. Although publicly believing it really isnā€™t AI to begin with.

This doesnā€™t really feel w/w, like I feel like itā€™s soo much easier for hippo to pull this on town than on scumbuddy.

might be preflipping a bit but if italy W then thereā€™s a smidge of w/w equity there. Could also just be a normal read. (I def both make and SR ā€œi donā€™t like flashwagonā€ defences)

I like this a little bit. Spew look pretty good, VCA seems rather off.

Conclusion: Moderate townlean, not really anything clearing. Seems like a good canadate for D3/D4 reevaluation.

because cheese doesnt usually make reads

yes im answering for them but its a bit straight foward

The ā€œreads are eh, prob lazy not newbishā€ was about Intensify, not cheese. (also before I knew that he actually was sorta new)

This is my second and half game right nowā€¦

why me pingus

cuz meh reads are common, especially if you think youā€™re a good player

Iā€™ve been summoned by an email.

Iā€™m glad someone took the time to look at my slot, thanks Ash.

Instead of subtly shading, Iā€™ll do it overtly and Iā€™m going to ask why Appel decided not to after I asked them directly and they said they would.

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Hmmmm from the info I am gathering, Italyā€™s lynch might reveal a couple things for me, but Iā€™ll stick with Maximus for now

Actually time to pong @MaximusPrime

Sorry to bother you but could you give us a readlist please? Iā€™ll help you probably.

Ok I read up a little bit more and go to sleep or something now.

More fun facts to end the day though

Fun Fact

Space is dope. Be an astronaut. Idk why I say this here but lol

Itā€™s an RT.

To see if he slipped


Do you plan to townread all your scum buddies?

Ok so letā€™s play a game.
Letā€™s say you are scum.
Would you Town Read all your scum buddies?
Assuming you could get away with it.