Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Pretty sure your wrong.
I view it as like “Boom. Wow.” Kinda Expression.

I’m also bad at explaining things too.


D2 EVO Reads (1)

Apprentice - PoE, was a scumlean until he shot Hippo. Now he is nullscum. Stopped interacting after dayvig.

Italy - Watcher claim that somehow makes him fly under the radar even though he is one of the few claims so realistically should be a target? Confident this is scum, or at least anti-town. That being said, he has very little content and so very little to work with. Scumlean.

Estel - used Lamist language d1, but D2 wasn’t bad. Didn’t react to pressure. Not that thread was active enough to care and join in on the pressure. Nullscum, although I admit I am not confident in this read.

Intensify - Vibe-wise this one has been a rollercoaster for me, but lately seems very comfortable. Townlean.

ClonedCheese - why is this guy always slanking. This is like a baby Italy. Nullscum. Not confident one way or the other. Would be okay lynching this one, but have higher priorities.

Crichard564 - In his townrange. Townlean.

TheBlueElixir - [REDACTED]

Centuries - A little bit of coasting on occasion but decent solving and perspective looks towny. Nulltown. Marked for re-eval if he survives to D3.

Appelsiini - Seems to be distracted or uninterested in a lot of events in-thread. Kind of like me. Interesting interaction was that she semi-pushed Sulit but backed off, being uncommitted. Nullscum. Not confident in this read, however.

:ok_hand: Wazza - Alignment Cop that redchecked Hippo. Did it start of day. Townlocked. Am confident in this read.

Ash - Pure, inquisitive, yada yada. Mostly a vibe read so take that as you will. Townlean.

Sulit - Soolit. Scumleaned her earlier on, but her posts D2 seems to put her in her townrange mostly. Nulltown. Not confident.

Vulgard - Recently replaced in. Not enough info. Null.

ModeShifter - Very…very much in their townrange. Especially D2. Townread. I am confident in this.

MaximusPrime - This one is tricky for me, but has been scummy enough to be more comfortable with this wagon than Mode’s wagon. Scumlean. Moderate confidence.

Kyo - D1 was in townrange. Aggressive, straight to the point, good vibes. beginning of D2 was way out of townrange, out of character, timid, and proceeded to back up Wazza’s redcheck…They both checked the same person, however Kyo revealed after Wazza, making Kyo not really benefit with any credit like i’ve given Wazza. The whole weird interaction knocked him down my list. Nulltown.

oB_L1ght - Weird vibes D1 but has been feeling better and more natural. They probably…[REDACTED]…so was nervous? Townlean. Moderately confident.

Bluestorm - Zero Poster.

TrustworthyLiberal - Not decided on this slot. Need to ISO, but from my memory on the spot, they have not contributed very much in solving, but does interact moderately. Null. Marked for re-eval.

Rant, don't open: You don't mess with a man's passion for Strategy Role-Playing Games.

I can already hear Alice “yOu dOnT cOmMiT tO aNyThInG.”
Shut up. I shouldn’t have to feel like I’m writing a fucking persuasive essay here with size 12 font, MLA 8.
I’m not going to exaggerate all my shit, nor am I going to hyper analyze every person, as I have other things to do too. These are the reads I have with the time I spent, pedant.

Rant over.

writing reads lists triggers me now smh

Never really pushing for reads

Always on the sidelines

Not in PoE because he’s not being scummy but like… you leave PoE when you do something townie, not when you aren’t being scummy

I haven’t read much of his but Hippo-Light is weird, I thought it spews Light as town but maybe not? I’d have to re-read

I feel like he’s the towniest out of the 3, he doesnt stand out as like obvs villager but I can get behind him as town

I reread the early game twice and I really don’t like them pushing Cheese over the one post he wrote before the day started and the fact TBE had to push her(? I assume bc Estel is a girl name here) to get her to vote is definetly something I find weird seeing how she actually voted after so little pressure

I don’t like the early posts and the more recent ones, I’d have to full on ISO him (I think it’s a boy?) and Estel to actually get more developed reads

Same reads as previous, but jarjar wrote it.

apprentice - poe, was a scumlean until hesa shot hippo. Now hesa nullscum. Stopped interacten aftah dayvig.

italy - watcher claimen dat somehow maken him fly under da radar even though hesa una of da few claims so realistically should besa a target? confident disa scum, or at least anti-town. Dat been said, hesa has berry litta content and so berry litta to worken wit. Scumlean.

estel - used lamist language d1, but d2 wasn’t bad. Didn’t react to pressure. Not dat thread was active enough to caren and joinen in on da pressure. Nullscum, although me admiten me no confident in disa read.

intensify - vibe-wise disa una been a rollercoastah per mesa, but lately seems berry comfortable. Townlean.

clonedcheese - why disa guy always slanken. Disa liken a baby italy. Nullscum. Not confident una way or da other. Would besa okeeday lynchen disa una, but have more high priorities.

crichard564 - in his townrange. Townlean.

theblueelixir - [redacted]

centuries - a litta bit of coasten on occaseon but decent solven and perspective looks towny. Nulltown. Marked per re-eval if hesa survives to d3.

appelsiini - seems to besa distracted or uninterested in mui of events in-thread. Kind of liken mesa. Interesten interacteon was dat shesa semi-pushed sulit but backed off, been uncommitted. Nullscum. Not confident in disa read, however.

:ok_hand: wazza - alignment cop dat redchecked hippo. Did it starten of day. townlocked. Am confident in disa read.

ash - pure, nozzie, yada yada. Mostly a vibe read so take dat as yousa will. Townlean.

sulit - soolit. Scumleaned her more early on, but her posts d2 seems to put her in her townrange mostly. Nulltown. Not confident.

vulgard - recently replaced in. Not enough info. Null.

modeshiftah - berry. berry mui in their townrange. Especially d2. Townread. Me am confident in disa.

maximusprime - disa una tricky per mesa, but been scummy enough to besa more comfortable wit disa wagon den mode’s wagon. Scumlean. Moderaten confidence.

kyo - d1 was in townrange. Aggressive, straight tada pointen, good vibes. beginnen of d2 was way out of townrange, out of character, timid, and proceeded to backen tup wazza’s redcheck. Daysa both checked da same person, however kyo revealed after wazza, maken kyo not really benefit wit any credit liken me’ve given wazza. Da whole weird interacteon knocked him neb listen. Nulltown.

ob_l1ght - weird vibes d1 but been feelen more good and more natural. Daysa probably. [redacted]. so was nervous? townlean. Moderately confident.

bluestorm - zero postah.

trustworthyliberal - not decided on disa slot. Needen to iso, but from memory on da spoten, daysa no contributed berry mui in solving, but does interact moderately. Null. Marked per re-eval

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Don’t think Apprentice as scum would just shoot and then dip because it’s fairly anti-scum to do that and if he shot Hippo as scum it was for town cred

I mean scum’s nightkill didn’t make much sense and they probably don’t mind Italy who barely read as watcher

I mean this is one of the slots that you can probably read as town way more easily than others, he’s fairly out there

On re-read he looks very townie

Doesn’t he have like

One game of scum, his townrange is quite big

I mean uh?

I’m sure you can come off with a better reasoning to SR me

That sounds way more townie like than you read me for tbh

Sulit probably has a smaller scumrange than most so it should be easy to read

Vulgard is like top 5 content wise though

Just seems like you want not to get scumcred if he flips town

Does his slot deserve this much of an analysis

also did he really check him

some reads feel reachy

not enough confidence for scum w tmi


This is WiFoM.

I’d shoot him if I was scum with a dayvig. Why tf not, he is already outted, and that would prevent him from giving more spew.

if you’re scum who is copped you just stop talking lol you dont get vigged by your scummate

Look at this.

Compared to this

Although. Both EVO and Ash Town Read Light…

I’m still 100% confident Appel/Light are TVS.

If you want to dive into every little meaningless thing, sidetracking yourself so much you lose the original point, you do you. I had something to say about the people that stuck out to me. That’s it. Rest are vibes.

The way you picked it apart was just desperate, like you needed a reason to push

I mean I personally would.
It makes it so they aren’t the lynch and it makes you more Town.


Plus, Hippo talked about Day Vigging Apprentice Day 1 which was odd.

You can just hardpush for the lynch and vig someone like Wazza lol

Centuries is Town.
But your probably scum and already know that.
Just want to inform you that Cent is my VETO.

You would want to be able to claim Town Day Vigilante.

That is a situation that changes with the person.

content regarding the first half of the game maybe, once he catches up we’ll see.

No, no it doesn’t. I value certain things as more towny than you do obviously. Using that as shade is reachy. speaking of reachy;

that is because i’m not gonna jot down every little feeling I get from someone. I have my readlist down for people to ISO later, you do what you will with it. If you are going to critisize, at least know what you are critisizing.