Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

then why arent you pushing on wagon

what wagon

like italy you vote him but you arent doing anything

You want me to continue the vanity wagon on italy?

like wouldnt just

cheese ob italy be

very scum in your eyes

I voted maxi awhile ago

yeah but

italy is a good cw

why wouldnt you go there

because that would split the vote off enough to put mode in danger

I think we’ll need a few flips to be sure about these three.

and realistically few have shown interest in hanging italy

cfd on seth is people openwolfing at this point

the goal of a cw isnt necessarily to jettison

If this is wagonomics then I am uneducated on it

b/c yeah, thats a big part of it

or so i thought lmao

I vote to pressure, or to kill usually. What other benefits are you speaking of?

where did everyone go

… Im kinda here

…how mad would ppl be if i decided to go mechanics only like in BotF3

I mean, you essentially mech-solved that game, but the difference is that this is a closed set-up. Go ahead. Mech-solve this closed game, cloned.

Highly offensive rant. Warned.

Seriously, what the actual fuck? We’re one game without Alice and, boom, Seth has

  1. Pushed for a day one mislynch
  2. Made very few reads
  4. Has stagnated most of those said few reads
  5. Has heavy resistance on his wagon despite next to no content

He’ll say something like “Well, now out of the TvS of Apple and Light I know for certain which one is scum. Remind me again why this hasn’t been dayvigged yet?” in response to this. Or maybe he won’t, since I called it out.

But, no. Sure, keep protesting his lynch. I’ll put you in my reads that everyone ignores in favor of pushing me.

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No one should be voting mode today period.

Italy and Max are the two wagons that should be explored.

I am sad I havn’t been here nearly as much as I would have liked and will likely miss EoD again due to work the last three hours of the day i am going to post my read list incase I die tonight but remember if I die.

Mode/Cent are pretty much lock towns.

Also I think I have gathered enough info to say I think the anti claim is one of two things last night.

Is assigned and target was roleblocker this becomes more likely in Italy scum world’s as he claimed RB’d by I assume Chem.

The targets role and or flavor was a LIE likely could be mode here for this when they claimed Dreaming God.

Actually is a thrid Protection was on the claimed person and saved them.

I want this double checked basses on tomorrow’s SoD even more so if I die.

#5 is damning
Mode is known to tunnel heavily, and is about as correct as random.org
Some games he accurately reads
Other games he comes close to throwing in sone ppls eyes

Considering that id say im not opposed to a mode lynch, but this feels like something that might come out of town!mode