Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Well we will see who they shoot if they shoot then hmm?

Find yeah I’ll give them a chance tonight.
Appel is our vote today though.


3 people claiming virtually the same easy to fake role


Another fact.
IF I was scum I would never remove Centuries vote here unless you all are actually considering that a town member did that.

Because Centuries votes have usually been to favour me rather then against me.


Oh hey it’s just you TBE

Anyways, so Ash now claims one shot day vig, I would believe it.

Unofficial VC (as of vote-post #70):

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Appelsini ash4fun, CRichard564, ModeShifter 3/9
ModeShifter clonedcheese, TheBlueElixir 2/9
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal 1/9
oB_L1ght Wazza 1/9
Not Voting EVO, Apprentice, Italy, Intensify, Appelsini, Sulit, Vulgard, KyoDaz, Leafia, oB_L1ght 10
Voteless? Centuries 1

What kind of role is one shot IC one shot vig even

A dumb make boleive one.

Yeah I really don’t like your response here.
You move down on my reads list.

I have a question for Apprentice

Is your day vig ability a one shot ability?

So I was reading appel’s iso in preparation for that wallpost I said I was going to do… And I realized that a lot of stuff in there looks a lot more towny than it did in the moment…

So I guess they’re out of the vig pool for now. Will keep watching them tho.

Also centuries confirmed not voteless??

If a vigilante shot someone and turns out to be a town member, then usually the vigilante would die from guilt or some other negative penalty such as disabled night abilities.

It’s not mod confirmed looks like

idk I would have expected majority to be 9 if you were voteless, but maybe it counts like you still have a vote, just can’t cast it?

idk really

Any g’night, see y’all tomorrow!


Goodbye, I guess I go off forums now

@Centuries just… try and cast a vote in the thread? Simple.